ox-y doxy

uh, we're down down down to the last few hours of 2008.

this will probably be the last post of 2008. except if fangirling over johnny's countdown overpowers. and i shall be able to make an end-of-year flailing-massacre post. yey.

2008 was a good year for me.

i graduated and got my degree. i passed my NLE, attach RN (ryo nishikido) to my name and i was able to find a hospital to have training. i was also able to visit my bro in singapore. and bum around for nearly five months.

it was also a lucky year for ryo, i believe.

2 dramas. 1 special with uchi.
winning 2 best supporting actor awards
and being well-loved taisuke in RnK.
both NEWS and eito were successful as well.

what's for this coming year?
i won't quit fangirling any sooner.
i hope to find a job and earn.
i wish my computer won't be such a retard.
i am looking forward for happiness.

**on a sad note, my grandmother passsed away yesterday. this is a sad way of starting a new year. she has stayed as the strongest grandmother althroughout her days.

eternal rest grant her soul oh Lord


kittens? why kittens?

i love you too baby :)

(in reply for dec 27th j-web entry)


winter wonder land

season's greetings everyone!

it's Christmas!!


i love the Christmas season, unfortunately, this year i wasn't able to feel deeply into it.

but anyway, what counts is giving love, sharing love and Jesus birth.

have a blessed and joyful Christmas everyone!!


farewell friday night habit

hah. i was right after all. he was the murderer. i was doubting it was togami as i believed that there will come a twist by the end of this series. i was right.

i barely understood a thing in watching the raws but it made me pour down some tears. particularly the talk between koichi and kashihabara-san.

it can't sink in to me that this series has ended. that i have to erase from my cellphone reminders the ryuusei no kizuna @ 8:45 pm reminder.

i well-loved this dorama. how it was created. everyone's acting. the script. the story itself. and it was automatic to me that at saturday morning i'll visit d-a and download the raws immediately.

i am going to miss this friday-saturday habit.

and i can't help listening to this track again and again.

often times, i have goosebumps.


expired at 2350


i didn't know why i felt not much surge of emotions at 10.50, when his relatives came asking for us to see their grandfather.

i wasn't panicking nor down blue and sad. there was just adrenalin and sense of urgency as to what i was asked to run for errand.

that's how i felt..

for the first time i was seeing a man lose his life.

from loss of bp, loss of pulse, ecg flatline, cold cold body.

i heard him moan, and that was his last.

an old man lost his life 6 days before christmas at 11:50 pm.

but other than that i saw real emotions of a family grieving for a loved one they will no longer be able to talk to.

and after doing post mortem, then i realized, how sudden things had gone. just two hours before 10:50 we were just instructing him for ngt insertion and he was responding. then after just 200 minutes he was lifeless.

life, you will never really know when it will expire.

Eternal rest grant unto his soul oh Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace, Amen.


friends CHANGE.

usually, they change into everything they said they WOULDN'T BE.

you just have to accept it, and realize everyone changes in their lifetime.

the CHALLENGE is to stay friends and prove to everyone that friendships can last through ANYTHING.

whirlwind wobble

wow. i have a growing love for ryusei no kizuna. episode 8 was magnificent! though i didn't understand a whole lot, i somehow managed to get the gist of the episode. i wanted to watch more of it but at the same time i don't want it to end.

i still love every scene where they show the siblings very warm relationship. but since shi knows of the truth now, there are some very little random points of awkwardness in between them. i don't think though that taisuke is developing a more-than-a-younger-sister love for shi. but this is japan. we can never predict the taboo they'll get into next, so i won't conclude. (but i admit though that i will be a fan of ryo-erika pair.)

and yay! for the delusional chief, takayama's return. i love his character. and that last scene was a chair-hugging scene. suspense! suspense!

i pity shizuna for she's so torn. i don't think any choice she'll make would make her completely happy.

how i wish there'd be more episodes. but unfortunately, there will most likely be 2 episode left. darn. i hope i can understand japanese better and i can't wait for next week's episode.

and i miss ryo.


tell me tomorrow

well hello there blogging!

i have gotten used to my hospital schedules. unfortunately, my 'it's the christmas season' feeling diminished because of preoccupation to this training.

i have missed two weeks of internet life because it was the monitor that gave up. which means that i missed ryuusei episode 6 & 7 live streaming.

it's been a month since ryo's birthday and i have not created anything. darn.

i am so tired as well.

21 days before christmas! yay!

frontal lobers


putting my feet to work is so tiring. 13 hours of duty with no pay is such a pain. but anyway, i'm rooting for experience. i hope time flies fast and it will be january real soon. what i am happy about is that i learn a lot of things. i just don't know when will be the time that i'll be able to be efficient and not be such a nuisance. sometimes, i think that using 'i am a neophyte' as an excuse is being such a cliche already. i feel intimidated at the rate that fellow older volunteers perform. it's really hard when you're struggling as a newbie. but somewhow i hope, i have improved.

ryuusei no kizuna episode five.

less comedy and more bits and clues about the murder. i am very eager to know the real deal about the mystery. but somehow i am missing the cosplays and swindling. i am being indulged int his series more and more. good thing is the next two fridays, i am not scheduled for graveyard shifts. yay! ill still be able to stream it live.

NEWS's color
(which contrary to the album title, their album jacket's pictures where showing dull and serious black and mysterious fit in it. NO RAINBOWS.)

why would i even give an effort of writing my opinions when i haven't even listened to it carefully. but i have played ryo's solo - ordinary - twice already. it felt like something to be heard as an insert song for an anime. and right now i am hearing yamapi's english song. the bits of english words from gomen ne juliet has now transformed into an entire song... surprisingly, i can understand his enunciations and words (everybody feeling kinda naughty... free me tonight) MOLA is the title of this song, which i do not f*cking know what means or what's the story about it and the first thing that comes to my mind is totoy mola. (wait OMG is that 'booties' i just heard. LOLLLLL). anyways, i have nothing else to say as i still need time for this songs to grow in me. and nobody cares about my review anyway. LOLLL.


'i am a sadist.' -ampule

i still can't create a ryo-(post)-birthday post (the hell with me.) for now, because the computer is infected with malignancy again, for the 8656267517670 times. so i promise i'll create one as soon as i have a well-groomed pc and mecha time.

okay. for now. let's stick to my stories.

one: the hate that dear ampule directs to me

i have a life now. (yay!). i volunteered as an RN at a secondary hospital near our subdivision. it's like a 'welcome-to-the-real-life-of-a-staff-RN-party'. this is something real now. not that duty days during college were fraud, but more of something that you have to do decision making on your own now. the staff at the hospital are very accommodating and nice. even the doctors give their share of jokes and smiles. i'm still striving though to what things i should do during shifts. damn, it's so hard to be a neophyte. and ampules are giving me a hard time. why can't it just break without making my fingers bleed. you'll have your day ampule. hah.

two: his chest, his chest

there is a good-looking doctor in the hospital. he is also a new doctor there so he just came in like a 'woah'. i mean he's good looking in my opinion (and so as what other staff says). but i don't know his name. it's too hard to remember and pronounce. so i'll just call him Dr. R.O.D. and his chest? nah, nevermind. i would rather not say something about it.

three: of IV, plain NSS and backflow

today, nov. 7, 2008 is by far the most tiring duty i ever had my whole life. we had 10 admissions. i was running from third floor up down, then up again, then down again. my feet barely survived this day. until now, when i step my feet, my heels are screaming in pain. it's such a tiring day, but a very fulfilling one. i hope i'd be able to improve my skills. that's my big dream.

four: four, episode four

i love ryusei no kizuna, and i can't can't can't get enough of it. and i've realized what i love most from this dorama. it's the very warm relationship of the siblings. i even like the little koichi, taisuke and shizuna. they're so adorable.
i watched tonight's episode at a very very reliable live streaming link (which i don't know what its name is) and there was no buffering. it's like watching it in our very own tv. i really laugh out loud loud loud loud louder loudest at thug taisuke. because ryo as a hiphop, blingbling, 'yo my man' thug IS DEFINITELY SOMETHING TO LAUGH ABOUT. ("N-A-O. nao-chan, yeahhhh") (wait a minute, the scrub suit i wore today looked like hiphop on me, imo, because it's very loose. LOL. blingbling taisuke premonition.) and my most loved scene was when taisuke & shii were walking along the seawall (i am not sure what the exact term for that particular structure is) while shi was like pushing her tai-nee and they were laughing at their aniki. aww that sibling bond is mucho love.

five: no, not yet enough

otanjoubi omedetou ryo-chan!!


gomen ryo, but still aishiteru ♥ ♥ ♥


what a stupid stupid failure!!!

damn. i feel such a failure. and up to this day, i still haven't created anything. fail fail fail.

gomen ryo-chan. demo, daisuki til eien.

but anyway, i still managed to greet him through heart (wtf) at exactly 12 midnight (japan time) of november 3rd.

i'll do a birthday post when i have a longer day off.

yes, day off.

omedetou to me because i have a life now. gleeee!!!

i do volunteer work for a hospital near our subdivision. and my first day started on ryo's birthday. anyway, i can't go into details now because my mind is still preoccupied with a dream i had this morning! that was probably the greatest dream i had up until this day of my life!! (and it also adds up that it is only during rare circumstances that i am able to remember my dream when i wake up. LOL).

life updates next time.

for now..

umareta koto deaeta koto

ima soba ni ireru koto arigatou

RYO-CHAN happy birthday

ichinen ni ichido no mahou tokubetsu na hi


rainbow report 02 (except that there is no rainbow at all)

musekinin hero lacked something. i found it just bland. and the color around them, the office is just basic. eito was just office workers fooling around, and not fooling around as in fooling around ala wahaha video. probably i miss the short leather shorts and choreography.

who wouldn't love maru's crack?

i won't be fooled baru, sorry.

because there is no screencap of ryo, so i would need to provide one.

it wouldn't be complete without yoko's crack.

the slob that is in ohkura tadayoshi.

yes of course. THE RAINBOW IS MISSING.

i need more short & fitting leather shorts eito.


kyoudai rabu

probably, sometimes, it pays that you don't set standards or too much expectations from a drama. i have not read the manga and have not followed previous works of kudo kankuro and i'm soooo loving this drama. that kind of feeling that you want to continuously watch it.

i don't really mind what others think about it, but i'm pretty sure i am going to finish the entire series.

it is a mixture of funny moments and wanting to know what was the real reason behind the murder of their parents, and i love the siblings' interaction with each other. i am positively sure that i am not just hanging on to the drama because of ryo. probably what draws me a lot is the siblings' bond. their very close relationship is so cute that i am envious. hihi (to think that i have two older borthers as well.)

i want to watch more. more. more.


you mean, bloody faces, right?

Crows zero.

woah to all the violence that high school students do in this film. they were wearing uniforms in most of the scenes but i never saw them sitting in a class while a teacher is teaching. LOL. but it's not all about violence (um, i think). i still had fun watching it because in some ironic way i found it 'cool'. LOL.

oh japan, it's only you who can put out movies such as high school gangs beating each other all throughout the movie, twins falling in love with each other, teens killing each other (until only one will remain alive) because they are such pain in the ass for the adults of society, and all those unusual and sensitive themes a mind can think of (and some minds can barely think of.) *salute*


time for a comeback

** because it's such a momentous event for me, yay!! i'm so happy because vendy is back to updating her site again!! how i wish i can write chinese so i can properly thank her! and tell her how much i adore her! lol..

** ryuusei no kizuna episode 2: i have nothing to say, because i didn't really understand a thing. i'll wait for subs, first. (btw, keyhole wasn't such an ass during the airing time. thanks keyhole, with mucho love.)

** ryo's birthday in 8 days. wow. very fast.. and i am not exerting any effort to do something ryo-related for that day.


i rewatched last friends (minus the SP), just to be fair with it. and i tried my very best to watch it without being ryo-biased (though i had a hard time doing that in the first episode). and i think it made sense.

because i take back the things i said before.

not all though.

it was something good in it's own sense. there were flaws in the course of it, but it was not such a crappy drama, as what i used to brand it.

i salute it for being a bold one, tackling issues that were too sensitive and are most likely taken for granted. it wasn't a good-going-bad,-ending-worst-drama.

every actor did a good output in the role they're acting. i think there is no one who acted better or weaker than the other. for me, they were able to show their characters and were able to counterbalance to that of their co-actors' acting.

i take back also that masami didn't act well.

michiru. surprisingly, i didn't get as irritated as before with michiru. because, i cannot just say "why don't you just leave sousuke alone. go away. live with your friends in the share house. that's so fucking easy."
it was explained why she didn't just leave sousuke initially, because she only felt loved in the arms of sousuke. and i guess it can't be helped that though she's being beaten, her love for sousuke weighed more than anything else. and who ever said that she was such a weakling, just watched the drama superficially. what i saw was she tried her very best to escape sousuke, break up with sousuke and fight for her friends against sousuke.
i still don't like masami nagasawa though. but i think she did really well in this drama. not her usual tweetums roles.

but, i feel greatest for takeru (the character).

takeru. he was one that didn't have a good background structure well. but despite that limitation, eita was able to give out the reliable takeru. everybody was so insensitive to his story and his past. he was always the one who was solving their problems and he's keeping his own grievances to himself. that's why i feel the most for takeru.

i won't go on one by one to every character because that will make one hell of a very long post. but as far as i have rewatched this drama i think everything was explained. why sousuke died of suicide, why michiru didn't leave souske, why ruka just left the share house. i think every occurence was explained with even just a tiny bit of explanation. but. some didn't just have enough explanation to it, like takeru and sousuke's pasts. and not much of eri's story. (but damn, i love mizukawa asami so so much. she's very very very pretty. ryo-asami as my best otp ♥ ♥ ♥)

and because it can't be helped.

but. i don't recommend it to be watched by closed-minded people and by the my-idol-is-the-only-greatest-actor-in-the-whole-world fans. (LOL. oh dear me, i haven't disregarded about that. kidding. LOL.)



** ryuusei no kizuna episode 2 coming out in about 45 minutes and i haven't watched the subbed version of episode 1.

** and since there is a blooming fanboy in ryo nishikido for orlando bloom, and so do i. not because of ryo. but because of legolas. (yes, damnit i was only able to watch the f*cking lotr movie, seven years after it was shown on the big screen. I AM SUCH A LOSER. I KNOW.)

** and because i love the too sexy ad of axn...


i ♥ shaun

laugh out loud is equivalent to shaun the sheep.

release the child in you.

timmy in a tizzy

*btw, i have made improvements in my lj account. i am so proud of myself for figuring this out on my own and attaining success! hapeeeeee!
here it is.


special otap ftw

ryusei no kizuna.. hmm, what can i say?

still more to come in the next episodes, i guess. i mean, the whole story won't just appear in episode 1. for me, episode one weighed a little more into the comedy side. and though, i have no idea what they are saying, i pretty much laughed at some scenes. probably because it's ryo acting oh-so enthusiastic. way way different from the dv sousuke. i think i like erika toda. LOL. kawaii, kawaii. when i see her all i can say is 'kawaii'. i think her role affects that a lot. the youngest of the siblings going 'aniki, aniki'. aww kawaii. oh, what's happening to me? LOL.
though nino and ryo are of same age, i saw how nino as koichi was really the oldest of the three. i missed nino.

i'll finish watching these series, whatever happens or whatever they say. i mean, i'm not the type who starts a series and doesn't finish it, i think... (except for some. LOL.)

after watching episode one of RnK in live stream,

i watched the subbed hanamaru cafe episode where ryo was guest. (thanks to magnificent as always, newsHfan@lj)



there were moments when my heart was literally beating different, arrythmias, dokidoki, whatever it is called.

i think i will never ever doubt that ryo is really my ichiban.

* he is so shy around erika toda, that i have feelings that he likes her. (if it weren't because they're starring as siblings, i'd ship them more than my dream otp ryo-asami, but i don't go for incest stories.)

* ryo really loves pi. (i still ship that otp.)

* and by the end of the show, he still manages to show his perverted side.

* he smirked at the opening song of hanamaru cafe!!!! LOLLLLLL. i think he was surprised. the nerve.

* he was nervous all throughout the show. it was obvious. he was saying random and nonsense things. and a whole massive amount of 'sumimasen'. like if it wasn't subbed, i'd probably be indulged in counting all the 'sumimasen' he said.

(some of the pictures he brought with him)

this is definitely a must-watch for any ryo fan. he shared a lot of things about his family, his living alone, how he entered the jimusho and his experiences being in two groups.

(the host said that being in two groups was really unusual.)

and this made me proud.


route nowhere


i was asked to answer this in the multiply site. but i'll do it here instead. :)

1. nov
2. len
3. nobu (c/o megy)
[... and so many other creative nicknames done by 'awesome' friends, like nobita, novelbine, etc]

(i am not a celebrity.) usernames i use in information superhiway if that's what you refer about:
1. gelatinsky
2. notnoberene
3. gelatinreiko

1. hair
2. smile :D
3. no more. LOL

1. .003% japanese
2. full-blooded filipino
3. Xp

1. flying gokiburi (damn. i feel helpless when i see flying roaches)
2. hold-up man.. LOL
3. darkness??

1. prayers (exactly jem.)
2. hanky
3. hair comb

1. my glasses
2. house clothes
3. reindeer antlers (haha, i always like wearing it, while i'm in front of the pc these past few days, oh the Christmas feeling..)

1. NEWS IS A BOY BAND (boy band is still a band, right?)
2. kanjani8
3. parokya ni edgar & the ever so popular eraserheads

1. nande nande dame by NEWS (i still can't memorize the entire song!)
2. lovestoned by justin timberlake
3. i love you always forever by diana lewis (because of the doug kramer-cheska garcia wedding that i recently watched)

(i had a hard time answering this. crap.)
1. happiness?
2. trust?
3. acceptance?
(what nonsense answers!! LOL)

TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE (in no particular order):
1. I’m happy right now
2. I’m not happy right now
3. I’m wearing reindeer antlers (wtf)

1. for-the-win smile (which can serve as ulam in every meal..)
2. eyes that melts
3. ... (can't think of anything else)

1.watching jdoramas and other series
2. internet galore
3. sleeping!!!! (definitely.)

1. get my self together. (i am damn shattered.)
2. finish downloads
3. eliminate procrastinating attitude

1. livejournal
2. blogspot
3. multiply & facebook

1. nurse
2. doctor
3. pilot
4. cashier (because i want to hit the cash register and listen to the amusing sound!)
[and so many more: interior designer (my frustration), astronaut and english teacher in japan (LOL)]

1. Japan (nobody guessed that for sure!!!!)
3. Italy

1. cruise
2. watch a NEWS or Kanjani8 concert
3. build a snowman :)

1. stays in front of the pc for hourssssss
2. doesn't want to spend too much time shopping and going around mall
3. i am amazingly well at slacking off

1. the mood swings
2. i have female reproductive organs (lol)
3. hopeless romantic (yes, i am.)

1. ryo nishikido (really?????)
2. zanjoe marudo
3. hayami mocomichi and mizushima hiro (they come as a package. hihi)

1. not
2. really
3. applicable to be answered


: (

just when you thought that you had somehow managed to lay your real thoughts to someone, you receive dead ends again.

is love really that conquering and all, that anything concerning a girl-boy relationship weighs greater than real life sentiments not running around details about courtship, teeny lovey-dovey and other oh-so cheesy stuff?


call me bitter or what, but that simple thing made me realize how you choose and prioritize what you'd ONLY listen to.

that's why i can't really search for ANY BREATHING SINCERE LISTENER IN THIS PLANET.


ow fail.


eigo niyo muna...

boo japan!

you're rich, we know, but you still have no right to step on us.

not fair! not fair!



i feel real sad when i see this subject in my e-mail: Upcoming Mail Artist. sender: CDJapan.



what shall i do then? awwwwwwww

johnny k. can't stop releasing albums and singles and that makes me feel even helpless.
(and there's even two sets of limited edition for musekinin hero, that has two different dvd versions. talk about earning fucking a lot.)

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

i just finished watching PACIFIC DVD, as in just 10minutes ago (thanks to magnificent newshfan and other uploaders in lj) and damn i want to buy that dvd too. helfffffff.

i mean, who can resist NEWS, their costumes and fanservice?

* the non-stop fanservice by dearly beloved yamashita tomohisa... *applause* (if i were a BIG yamapi fan, i think i have fainted sooooooo many times during the whole run of the dvd.)

* ryo-chan daisuki.

* koyama = camwhore. tegoshi running in second.

* RYO THE BULLIEST OF THEM ALL. i was laughing hard hard hard hard when he tipped koyama in the card game and shige lost. shige is always the bullied kid. awww shige..

*MASSU THE GREAT XIAO LONG BAO. (great buta massu)

* i didn't see flying (except for taiwan con), and they discovered new exhibition: WATER!!! (i assume next time they'll have fire, water, flying for wind, and land.. probably something like mud wrestling. LOL) and not much feathers and bombing, i mean fire exhibitions.

*ONSEN - i am looking forward to more in the next dvds.

* sho and nino cameo. awww. sweet.

* the nantoka narusa of koyama, damn cute. LOLLLLLL. i ♥ koyama. akachan koyama..

There's this stain in this pillow and i've been wondering what i should do about it
(kitto, nantoka narusa. shinpai wa nai sa)
*nods* sou ka.
(kono michi massugu itte miyo)
sou ka. iinda
(kaze no fuku mama, sou kanjiru ga mama)
(sususmeba daijoubu ashita mo ii otenki)
sou ka!!! ja, ikou...


* and this scene must have been a premonition for ryusei no kizuna:

see, i am still under catatonic stupor due to the Pacific dvd, and there's another release. see. see. how can i ever survive in this fandom?


stat IS now

i finished watching code blue. (i am such a sucker for medical dramas Xp)

and here are my thoughts: !!SPOILERS.

... it took us two years before we were able to have hospital duties and wear scrub suits, that's why sometimes i feel like these actors are lucky indeed. they never had formal trainings in schools but they were able to wear scrub suits, enter operating rooms, do 'mock' operations and ride helicopters.
i bet those real nihonjin ER interns are hating that yamapi et al rode the heli without attending medical school.

... aragaki yui is so young-looking to be an intern and generally to be a doctor. she is so kawaii and her voice is so soft that i never really took her seriously as a doctor. plus her bangs, i hope she can tie it up or clamp it, i am so bothered by it.

... i thought this series will be yamapi sreen time fiesta. but not as much as i expected. and most of the time it was aragaki yui i'm seeing.

... i found code blue as a mix of house md, grey's anatomy and iryu.

*house md - because of the munchausen case (which, bragging aside, i guessed that diagnosis right away. LOL)

*grey's anatomy - because of what happened to kuroda-sensei. THAT IS SO GREY'S ANATOMY. a surgeon losing his most beloved arm.

*iryu - they tackled each of the intern's life. a conflict with this sensei's life this episode, then with that sensei the next episode. except for erika toda's character.. she had no family conflict and no grave medical attachment..

... i nearly cried, well actually, i cried. because the cold-hearted aizawa-sensei cried when he was moved by his beloved obachan's words.. and when kenichi called kuroda-sensei 'otuousan'. awww, such moving scenes. T_T

... curly yamapi, i mean aizawa-sensei, forgot to put a sterile cap on when he did an emergency on-site operation. (that's no good.. aseptic technique is a rule.)

... i don't know how hospital management works in japan but i find it pretty confusing that the ER doctors are also doing surgical operations. i mean, as far as i know, cases that concerns ER only revolves around ER. when a patient needs an operation, he is passed on to the surgeons of the OR. minor surgeries are the responsibilities of ER senseis.

... mmmm how was yamapi's acting abilities as the doctor who posses a strong facade and unwavering determination? i think it's in between excellent and very satisfactory. sure i saw the cold-hearted doctor in him, but i think i'm missing something, which i cannot identify. i give props though, because it was well explained why he was a cold-hearted, hardworking doctor.

... i didn't like that in episode 9, i never saw shiraishi-sensei apologize to kuroda-sensei. i mean, if it were me, i am in great remorse. i would only ask for apology again and again and again. i know it isn't right, but i only blamed her about what happened to kuroda-sensei. i saw her remorse but i didn't hear her apologize immediately to kuroda-sensei.

... saijou-sensei said the most truthful line that is so appropriate for the medical field:
'i cannot guarantee that. The only one who can do something like that is God.'
'you guys think that medicine is almighty? a doctor is not God. there isn't really that much we can do. whether the world is unreasonable or, whatever it is, you have to understand that there are some things in this world you just have to accept.'

... i'm sorry to say though that i still like iryu more than code blue. i don't know why, probably it's the musical score. and iryu dealt into patient's lives more than the doctor's lives.

... i wish there'll be a doctor heli as well here in manila. and wards like that for all public hospitals here. hmmmm

this dorama, for me, is still worth watching for anyone who craves for medical dramas, and for anyone just wanting a go for drama.


chestnuts roasting on our kitchen

Christmas is near.

i love the Christmas season. four things that made me realize that it's coming near:
1. the Coca-cola commercial (holidays are coming. holidays are coming...)
2. we assembled and decorated our Christmas tree yesterday, and it has a lot of red ribbons. cutie..
3. i am wearing a reindeer antler while typing this.
4. and the night news features Christmas segments everyday.



Ryusei no kizuna is near. 10 more days to go.

but i'm feeling rather.... umm, not that excited about it. i hope it will be a good one.


after the Taiwanese, the the Japanese and now it's confirmed that there will be a Korean version of Hana Yori Dango. i'm crossing my fingers that they won't remake it into a Filipino adaptation; like my girl, bleh. Xp

and here are the resident bullies of the jimusho:

poor tegoshi.

bring that bling

I never thought you were a fool
But darling look at you
You gotta stand up straight
Carry your own weight
These tears are going nowhere baby

You've got to get yourself together
You've got stuck in a moment
And now you can't get out of it

Don't say that later will be better
Now you're stuck in a moment
And you can't get out of it

--> stuck in a moment


50 episodes of love

i finished watching They Kiss Again (It Started with a Kiss 2) last night, no actually it's 2.30 am today. i felt just like how i felt when i finished watching season 1, which is emptiness. yeah.. it's like i felt so indulged in this series that it's difficult to accept that it already ended. and ended for real.

the 2 series had both happy and sad, exciting and boring phases. but it's still very entertaining to have watched their roller coaster love story. i considered season 1 as my most loved Taiwanese series. i managed to watch 30 chapters in 20 hours, i think. basically, i spent one whole day for the whole season 1. and i loved it. after finishing it, i actually did re-runs of my favorite parts after 1 day. and i felt so empty the following days and sooooo addicted to it. that's how much ISWAK has affected my life those days.

for this season 2, i still felt emptiness, but i have to admit not as much as that feeling in season1. i felt more of
'this is such a cliffhanger'. too bad though, because there won't be any more season 3. the manga wasn't finished because the author, Kaoru Tada, died. the director of the Taiwanese series, Qu You Ning didn't want to lead away from the original and just left their series 'unfinished' as well. *sigh*

the good news is joe cheng and ariel lin will team up again in an upcoming series, Love and Bread. surely, i'm going to watch this.


'it pains me to breathe'

i remember sometime ago that i took time looking for the song of the sprite ad with lyrics: "i'm falling away with you..."

and lucky enough, when i looked for it in youtube today. a video provided me with dl location.

this song is LOVE.
(i am dying to hear someone sing this to me at this point of my life.)

here's the lyrics:


I’m falling away
I’m falling away with you

We can’t always say
In the cool light of day what’s true

Time may heal your wounds
I’ll see you through

I thought we’d create
hearts in a sea of blue
We’d give and not take
I said I believed in you

But I’m falling away
I’m falling away with you
Time may heal your wounds
I’m seeing you through
Your eyes may fade from view
I’m seeing you through..

I’m torn at the seams
It pains me to breathe
You think you’re not needed
But I feel your pain
It’s alway the same
But let’s not feed it
Yet here in my soul
I want you to know
I’ll never leave

There’s nothing to say
No more charades for fools
I came here to stay
I’m falling away with you
I’m falling away
I’m falling away with you..

Time may heal your wounds
I’ll see you through
Your eyes may fade from view
I’ll see you through
Time may heal your wounds
I’ll see you through

I’m falling away
I’m falling away with you
I’m falling away

got this lyrics from this site: HERE.i think the writer gave most information you'd want to know about the ad and the song.and there's also places where you can down the song.
but just in case, here's where i downloaded it: Sprite zero. it's a German site, but i am pretty sure anyone can manage knowing where the download links are.


how can i be purple?

i am going to list down my exact exact exact thoughts right now. this is probably going to be emo, just to warn. because i think laying these down would help me ease up.

1. ?
i am in total question mark when asked what i want to do. I DO NOT KNOW. some of my friends have their jobs already, of course not as RNs, but in the field of customer service. if you'd ask me if i want to enter that field too, i'd say with all honesty that 'yes' but solely because of the salary. i have a lot in mind of what to do with that salary. i want to help with house expenses, and buy things that i want. and because after 4 months of finishing NLE, i still belong to the unproductive category of this nation. BUT. i am torn with the next option of wanting to be a hospital volunteer. i can't just let my four years of college learning (+ 2 more months) slip through my mind. and what's the use of gaining license and not using it. plus, having trainings would allow me to enhance clinical skills, and be used for future employment, where ever it may be.

2. this, that, then that and this
i am such a lazy lazy lazy lazy lazy person. i just stay at home. watch tv, internet, sleep. THE IDEAL BUM LIFE IT IS. i have reasons why i don't want to pass my resume to both customer service company and hospital (as volunteer). (a.) i am lazy. i can't get up early and push myself to walk outside our house. (b.) my resume is nonsense. a piece of paper that just has no impact at all. i have no confidence with it because i don't know how to properly make one and no matter what i do, i was never an active student/citizen. damn. and what's more? i lack seminars and workshops. (c.) i don't know where to start (which sounds like reason a). (d.) i want to finish downloading a lot of things (which seems unending because every waking day there is another one waiting to be downloaded, and so how about the past ones? shit.)

3. look at them
my friends, my classmates they're heading to their paths. i am bothered because i am NOT bothered. like when they're saying and writing that they passed their resume here, there, all i can say is 'okay'. wait, since i wrote that i am bothered that i am not bothered, so probably i am bothered just for real. (damn, so confusing). okay, okay. rephrase. i think, I USED TO BE BOTHERED. because they had attended so many seminars and i haven't, they have passed their resumes and i haven't even created mine, and their life is going somewhere while mine is staying at home. which made me resort to just creating a reason that 'i am going nowhere, i'll wait till my sun shine towards a certain path' ---> so not good. and i offer that reason always when i hear their new stories ---> so so not good again.

4. blah
i don't want to ask anymore from my otousan, because every time i ask for something, he's just giving me nonstop list of qualms.complains.

5. not again
i'd want to go and do my own life alone. alone and independent of friends. yes, it's because of this.

6. i want to lose weight. LOL.

---> i think my prediction is wrong and this entry didn't sound emo at all.


it's not lupus

house won an emmy!

best director for a drama series for greg yaitanes for the finale episode of season 4: house's head (spoilers!)

this is my most loved US medical-drama series. and i found that particular episode very superb. well, all their season-enders are really amazingly done. but then, not only their season-enders, i think all episodes of house are worth wasting an hour of your day for.

in this episode, house was struggling to swim through his temporary amnesia. and the way they created this episode was exemplary. and also giving credit to the very last episode of season 4. where the dear cut-through bitch did her goodbye. house's season enders are really to be praised.

the new season has already started but i haven't watched any episodes yet. it's very intriguing to know what will become of wilson and house's friendship. i hope i can find somewhere to download it.

i am looking forward to all the sarcasm and the medical cases.

pictures grabbed from house facebook.



yay! i am slowly improving my photoshop skills. yay! XD

but i am still doomed. still can't find where on this hard drive has the FANDOM folder lost itself. so i guess, i'll have to start downloading all over again. T__T tragic but true. no where else to go.


don't want

i think i am cursed. this fangirling thing is cursed. because i don't know why, but my FANDOM folder was all of a sudden unseen. all of my other files were there except for the FANDOM folder. darn. downloading is such a crucial work. and that is a lot of download. damn.


emotional turbulence

i don't want to be attached to any of you right now. i think i have lost myself a long time ago when i became a part of a group of friends, and solely just 'a part'. i can't find any sense of belonging to the people whom i call friends, that's why i don't want to see you or hear any stories from you. because i think i used to be someone else, before i became indulged into being a friend or being someone inside a friendship. somehow, i think i realized, it became tiring getting along as your friend. and it made me ponder, 'why is it such a burden for me to go when you're calling for a meet-up?', 'why am i literally just dragging myself to meet up all of you?'. i think i somehow lost interest in listening, and plainly just listening.

i am rotten inside. that's why i need to try and repair my self. i don't know when was the time that i left behind who i used to be. but i know, i changed. and i am in an unhealthy changed one now.

and even more, i am losing my esteem when i am with you and i hear your stories. i am becoming more and more indulged in self-pity. and that is so not healthy.

i have diagnosed myself (based on the manifestations written in the psych nursing book) as a schizoid. though not completely, but somewhat it mirrors what i feel and what is happening in me. emotionally unstable.

i don't want to drain myself in depression, but i think seeing anyone of you, would add oil to the fire. so forgive me. i breathed and faced the lowest and darkest days of my life alone. alone. so i think i should just go on and solve my internal conflict alone. but i reckon any one of you would know about this. you have lives; you had turned to different directions from where we used to face together and i need to accept that.

darn, internal emotional disturbance.


i switched my love to guido

(i don't know why, but this afternoon, i had great initiative about writing something about the ateneo-la salle game, but right now, i just lost the interest .)

okay just some things about the game..

i watched it, though i had nothing to do with both teams, it's just that, though i had said that i will not cheer again for ateneo, i am still rooting for them over la salle. jai had a good game, might be even one of his greatest (but idk, i didn't follow most of ateneo's game this season.) then, klaire was featured as face of the game (something like that) and was introduced with the last name reyes and jai's wife. so that's it. just wanted to blog about that. (what the heck?)


i am excited for ryusei no kizuna.

can't wait for ryo- nino (and erika toda). :)



i think this is something cool. we owe this smiley to this man. (click the smiling thing!)


i am a few hours late though in celebrating it's birthday.

anyway, happy birthday :-) !! you're older than me. haha.


can't get enough of your rants, darn

i have to ready my purse (and find a job, in that case) because the DV guy won. (and what do i care about people who does not agree.. go create your own award-giving program. lol)

57th television drama academy awards best supporting actor.


rainbow report 01

NEWS's happy birthday video is sooo white. it's so difficult seeing them. LOL. but for real, the background is white and they're wearing white. i didn't like it as much as i liked the weeeeek pv. (blame it on the too-much-white idea..)

nonetheless, i think it was still a fun pv.

yamapi, are you looking for trouble and wanting to follow the roads of kusano and uchi?

i'm definitely buying this monopoly news version if this comes out in the philippine market.

massu as his usual self
(let's try to ignore koyashige for this massu-burger series)

yamapi, trying to attack massu's precious burger

massu: ...

massu: eh?!

massu: wait a minute?!!

massu: nice try yamashita.. nice try. but food is equals to mine..

koyama and shige trying their go at the liquor.
(this is such a 'drunkard news' video. calling mr. kitagawa!!)

oh.. that step is so reminiscent of cherish days.. aww

but ofcourse. rainbows.
(we can never disregard that.)