'i am a sadist.' -ampule

i still can't create a ryo-(post)-birthday post (the hell with me.) for now, because the computer is infected with malignancy again, for the 8656267517670 times. so i promise i'll create one as soon as i have a well-groomed pc and mecha time.

okay. for now. let's stick to my stories.

one: the hate that dear ampule directs to me

i have a life now. (yay!). i volunteered as an RN at a secondary hospital near our subdivision. it's like a 'welcome-to-the-real-life-of-a-staff-RN-party'. this is something real now. not that duty days during college were fraud, but more of something that you have to do decision making on your own now. the staff at the hospital are very accommodating and nice. even the doctors give their share of jokes and smiles. i'm still striving though to what things i should do during shifts. damn, it's so hard to be a neophyte. and ampules are giving me a hard time. why can't it just break without making my fingers bleed. you'll have your day ampule. hah.

two: his chest, his chest

there is a good-looking doctor in the hospital. he is also a new doctor there so he just came in like a 'woah'. i mean he's good looking in my opinion (and so as what other staff says). but i don't know his name. it's too hard to remember and pronounce. so i'll just call him Dr. R.O.D. and his chest? nah, nevermind. i would rather not say something about it.

three: of IV, plain NSS and backflow

today, nov. 7, 2008 is by far the most tiring duty i ever had my whole life. we had 10 admissions. i was running from third floor up down, then up again, then down again. my feet barely survived this day. until now, when i step my feet, my heels are screaming in pain. it's such a tiring day, but a very fulfilling one. i hope i'd be able to improve my skills. that's my big dream.

four: four, episode four

i love ryusei no kizuna, and i can't can't can't get enough of it. and i've realized what i love most from this dorama. it's the very warm relationship of the siblings. i even like the little koichi, taisuke and shizuna. they're so adorable.
i watched tonight's episode at a very very reliable live streaming link (which i don't know what its name is) and there was no buffering. it's like watching it in our very own tv. i really laugh out loud loud loud loud louder loudest at thug taisuke. because ryo as a hiphop, blingbling, 'yo my man' thug IS DEFINITELY SOMETHING TO LAUGH ABOUT. ("N-A-O. nao-chan, yeahhhh") (wait a minute, the scrub suit i wore today looked like hiphop on me, imo, because it's very loose. LOL. blingbling taisuke premonition.) and my most loved scene was when taisuke & shii were walking along the seawall (i am not sure what the exact term for that particular structure is) while shi was like pushing her tai-nee and they were laughing at their aniki. aww that sibling bond is mucho love.

five: no, not yet enough

otanjoubi omedetou ryo-chan!!