rainbow report 01

NEWS's happy birthday video is sooo white. it's so difficult seeing them. LOL. but for real, the background is white and they're wearing white. i didn't like it as much as i liked the weeeeek pv. (blame it on the too-much-white idea..)

nonetheless, i think it was still a fun pv.

yamapi, are you looking for trouble and wanting to follow the roads of kusano and uchi?

i'm definitely buying this monopoly news version if this comes out in the philippine market.

massu as his usual self
(let's try to ignore koyashige for this massu-burger series)

yamapi, trying to attack massu's precious burger

massu: ...

massu: eh?!

massu: wait a minute?!!

massu: nice try yamashita.. nice try. but food is equals to mine..

koyama and shige trying their go at the liquor.
(this is such a 'drunkard news' video. calling mr. kitagawa!!)

oh.. that step is so reminiscent of cherish days.. aww

but ofcourse. rainbows.
(we can never disregard that.)