farewell friday night habit

hah. i was right after all. he was the murderer. i was doubting it was togami as i believed that there will come a twist by the end of this series. i was right.

i barely understood a thing in watching the raws but it made me pour down some tears. particularly the talk between koichi and kashihabara-san.

it can't sink in to me that this series has ended. that i have to erase from my cellphone reminders the ryuusei no kizuna @ 8:45 pm reminder.

i well-loved this dorama. how it was created. everyone's acting. the script. the story itself. and it was automatic to me that at saturday morning i'll visit d-a and download the raws immediately.

i am going to miss this friday-saturday habit.

and i can't help listening to this track again and again.

often times, i have goosebumps.