frontal lobers


putting my feet to work is so tiring. 13 hours of duty with no pay is such a pain. but anyway, i'm rooting for experience. i hope time flies fast and it will be january real soon. what i am happy about is that i learn a lot of things. i just don't know when will be the time that i'll be able to be efficient and not be such a nuisance. sometimes, i think that using 'i am a neophyte' as an excuse is being such a cliche already. i feel intimidated at the rate that fellow older volunteers perform. it's really hard when you're struggling as a newbie. but somewhow i hope, i have improved.

ryuusei no kizuna episode five.

less comedy and more bits and clues about the murder. i am very eager to know the real deal about the mystery. but somehow i am missing the cosplays and swindling. i am being indulged int his series more and more. good thing is the next two fridays, i am not scheduled for graveyard shifts. yay! ill still be able to stream it live.

NEWS's color
(which contrary to the album title, their album jacket's pictures where showing dull and serious black and mysterious fit in it. NO RAINBOWS.)

why would i even give an effort of writing my opinions when i haven't even listened to it carefully. but i have played ryo's solo - ordinary - twice already. it felt like something to be heard as an insert song for an anime. and right now i am hearing yamapi's english song. the bits of english words from gomen ne juliet has now transformed into an entire song... surprisingly, i can understand his enunciations and words (everybody feeling kinda naughty... free me tonight) MOLA is the title of this song, which i do not f*cking know what means or what's the story about it and the first thing that comes to my mind is totoy mola. (wait OMG is that 'booties' i just heard. LOLLLLL). anyways, i have nothing else to say as i still need time for this songs to grow in me. and nobody cares about my review anyway. LOLLL.