ox-y doxy

uh, we're down down down to the last few hours of 2008.

this will probably be the last post of 2008. except if fangirling over johnny's countdown overpowers. and i shall be able to make an end-of-year flailing-massacre post. yey.

2008 was a good year for me.

i graduated and got my degree. i passed my NLE, attach RN (ryo nishikido) to my name and i was able to find a hospital to have training. i was also able to visit my bro in singapore. and bum around for nearly five months.

it was also a lucky year for ryo, i believe.

2 dramas. 1 special with uchi.
winning 2 best supporting actor awards
and being well-loved taisuke in RnK.
both NEWS and eito were successful as well.

what's for this coming year?
i won't quit fangirling any sooner.
i hope to find a job and earn.
i wish my computer won't be such a retard.
i am looking forward for happiness.

**on a sad note, my grandmother passsed away yesterday. this is a sad way of starting a new year. she has stayed as the strongest grandmother althroughout her days.

eternal rest grant her soul oh Lord