no classes equals super thin devouring

woah. so many things to share. i don't know why i was suddenly out of the line these past few days. out of the blogging of stuff directly after i've encoutered them. i've got loads to share. and probably it would take 5 chapters.. LOL

there's so many things, good and bad, that has happened this week. i actually do not know how to properly begin. my brain is so crowded. and it's raining outside.. and if you'll ask me what's my problem with brain being crowded and rain pouring.. well.. just listen to the rain falling in the rooftop.. it's so hypnotizing.

and see what it makes? it makes me write nonsense things. just like this.

so i'll just warn you of a blog-marathon i'll be doing.. if the rain doesn't succeed in making me hide under my blanket and walk away to dreamland (wih nishikido ryo.) ---> i definitely have to add that.

ja ne..