"corn kernel, why the run?"

the following are from the corners of my closet. why i'm late on posting? because i have no social life. i have long been deprived. and i most of the time deal with fangirling.

so before some species eat it all up. i'm posting it.

...our no-parents week in a far-away medical center whose staff are speaking something and we stare blankly, jaw-dropped. weeeee..
breakfast ala nissin wafer.
de lata dinner. ohh love it (and colon cancer.)
pau, we're supposed to go to bed, why the make-up?
palabok girls
rai trying hard to portray "i'm a walking drug guide handbook"
yey! for the effort of acting as a work slave, fon
we catched up with the graveyard shift senpais
we're not smelling sweetness anywhere near.
sige, laba.
labada session (with fon's eyes popping somewhere, which is quite scary)
menu for the week
why? why is reiko being persecuted?
no comment
pau, stealing her way to the doctor's lounge
guys, it's night time...
stop posing, please. please.
the dinner that has caused the next days' dilemna
pose one
pose two
pose three (congratulations to me.. i'm here)
me with my yaya (who poses while i'm attending to the plants)
the sofa with spots of kayumanggi
who in the world dares to watch tv when the tv is off? who?
white shoes aren't supposed to be colored gray.
(yon. ano paputian ng white shoes?)
choose from the three.
(i choose the umbrella, really bright colored. love it.)
this room sheltered us for a week
she's trying to do it for someone
(note: read the shirt)
god, in how many pictures do i see my face?
invading even the ladies' shower room
sunrise, sunrise..

***no matter what i do, no matter how hard i try.. this pic folder would not fit in one post. so i'm doing a part 2. when? i'm not sure. i'm a busy a**.
; )