clear indications of emotions depend on vivid stimuli. WTF.

give me the exact term of the feeling of combined anger and excitement.


i'm trying so hard not to react violently but i'm currently pulling my hair.

so this is the scenario..
i love vendy's blog.. because it's paradise, and i love every scans she makes.
but this pic, god how am i to describe how i felt?

i felt all of these by the moment i saw this pic: angst, jealousy, envy, hatred, (wow. seven deadly sins, in a couple of seconds..)then i saw this: which partially covered up my above feelings:
i felt extremely, extremely excited, it will come by my hands soon.. yipeee!!!

but then, i saw this pic again...
on the upper left corner.. here's a bigger pic:
the right one is the LE and the left is RE.

i don't understand hiragana, katakana and kanji. but gawd.. i undestood how baka i am with what is written there.


well, judging by how it is written, and basing my judgment on what i have previously read as well. the limited edition includes a 20+ pages booklet (of which i do not know what it contains, but i wouldn't care less because i'm perfectly sure it is about NewS) and both the regular and limited edition costs the same. and the honto ni BAKA me had a chance to buy the limited edition but due to my bakaness i was only able to order the regular edition. because i'm such a fetus in the on-line ordering world. and with this i hate myself.
but i'm just begging for the DVD to come by my hands safely, please.. please.. please...

credit goes to vendy's blog for all the pics!!