happy birthday bad luck, i hope you had a great time... : )

so how do i start? waaaaahhhhhh

okay. bad things first..

i know i am the cram queen and i suck at time management bigtime, and it is probably due to the case study-making that i wasn't able to write about things. last monday, we we're tremendously shaken by the really sudden announcement of our c.i. that the deadline for our case study would be the next morning (tuesday), which was supposed to be the next next morning. so i was stunned. i haven't had anything accomplished.. plus, our case presentation would also fall on that next day, and we haven't talked how we're going to do it. so here i am again, cramming all the way.. didn't sleep at all, i was supposed to move out of the house at 4:45 am (becasue 7am was our schedule), but until 5:15 am i was still in front of the pc doing my case.. oh what a crappy life. i was hitting the keyboard and muttering curses at the same time (i'm so talanetd with bad words uttering actually..)

then, i left the house at 5:50 without sleep, and with a 30-minutes-done copy-paste nonsense ebn and an incomplete case study that was big time equivalent to rubbish. i have wholeheartedly accepted that i'm gonna get a grave-digging grade for this case study. oh, god, bless me..

i left the house so late that i know i'm going to arrive at the hospital so late as well. hello? traffic is like a true-to-life nightmare at 6am. and what a very unlucky day it was that my wrist watch stopped. so from our house until the hospital (until i went home and until now) it is still pointing at 6:05. the big sucking part of that day is that i don't know what on earth is the exact time. THE WHOLE DAY.. I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS.

then i arrived at the hospital at 7:45, with the big problem embracing me with a welcome: "nov, ayaw gumana nung powerpoint ng case pres..." we're DEAD. nothing more to say. JUST DEAD.

and so that day ended for us having no case presentation because we weren't allowed to fix it outside the hospital premises and becasue we are bunch of crammers. the moral is.. don't divulge yourslef into studying, because studying ruins adequate amount of sleep.. hehehe. kidding.

well, i'll try to do my work earlier next time. (and try to help with case pres.)
i'm such an unexisting soul in case presentation..

(despite this bad luck.. i'm drooling right now.. because of the recent shounen club. nishikido ryo.. yamete kudasai..) (this just means i'm over the bad luck day.) : )