bridging your voice box.. that's what you need to do..

this is my fourth post for this day and yet i haven't even started posting about the NewS DVD.
see.. i told you this would take about 5 chapters = 17 posts.. hahaha

but still this post isn't about the DVD. i think i'll do that tomorrow or later in the wee hours of the morning.

this is just my thoughts about ryo.

i was so mad reading about the rumor that there's a possibility for him to quit NewS and concentrate on Kanjani8 and that he''ll be replaced by toma. i really disagree for that to happen. but after seeing the august 5 shounen club, i was partly agreeing that he'd do so. i have long accepted his mean-ness and bullying, but i think other NewS' members can't handle it anymore (yeah i know, i don't experience his mean-ness, but i love him whatever and whatever.) ..so in the News abake, with the question that is "who among the members i don't get along well.." he was picked twice. yeah. he's such a meanie. so anyway, i just think that if he is not having fun in NewS anymore, it's better for him to be with K8 alone. i know that he considers K8 his second family and he is much comfortable with them than with NewS. and aside from this, when i watched the dvd, god, he was the one who is frequently singing the "bridge part" of the songs, which involves high notes.. and all i can say is.. "sweetie, your jugular veins and your voice box are pleading.."
i'll be the one to brag it.. ryo has a good voice which makes him have more part for both NewS and K8 songs. this is why i kind of think that for his own health, he'd better stick to just one group.

then i watched another shounen club earlier (the aug 12 SC) wherein i saw that ryo was looking a bit down and that he had this aura of "wanting to finish that SC a.s.a.p." i think he's feeling lonely with NewS (yamashita, what are you doing? your lover needs your comforting!!!) i don't like seeing ryo like this. he sort of looks like not feeling good. well, i dunno. (but wait, when he sang CODE, i was hyperventilating. he's so kakkoi.)

but on the other hand.. here's my very reasonable thought. i need to watch a NewS concert. and i don't think i'll be able to see one before this year ends (that is ULTIMATELY impossible) and it is said that ryo will leave NewS at jan 1 next year.

so what the f*ck am i going to do?

i need to watch a NewS concert with all NewS members. and that solely means that RYO IS THERE. i love NewS as NewS and ryo was the reason that i loved NewS. so wacthing a concert of NewS (someday) without ryo in it is nonsense. so johnny, mary and whoever, please don't remove ryo from NewS, i beg of you.

and ofcourse, one of my most prominent reason is how about the ryopi rabu-rabu?

hehehe. i'm so indecisive.

but whatever. ryo-chan, daisuki.. ; 0

so i'll be leaving the net for this time with this. i need to switch to a different fandom.
i'm switching to the HP7 mode. (finally, i'm reading it..)