johnny k. and his rainbows

last august 6, i was randomly browsing the net (= fangirling) and checking my mail.. when i read this from my mail's homepage:

sender: info@cdjapan.co.jp
subject: Order Update: We Shipped Your Order Today

(i was already saying "oh my god" nonstop when i read that, and i haven't opened it yet)


Dear nov,
Thank you for shopping at CDJapan.
We shipped your order today.

Order Number: *************

Shipping Address:

Please sign in to Customer Account to view order details.
Thank you, and we look forward to the opportunity to serve you again.


.....and after which, i was already jumping with so much joy i cannot contain.. : ) : ) : )
which led me into writing

that was august 6. after 7 days i haven't received anything. not even an envelope. my comforting words included: "it's raining.. it's raining... mr. postman will get an accident if he delivers it in the middle of the storm.."

so after days of unending statement such as: "will it really come by my hands? waaaahhhh i'm so nervous..."

wednesday came, where i had no class, so i spent all morning looking outside our gate whenever i hear motorcycles. (yeah, i am sort of a paranoid.)

then a notice came by our house (good thing i have no classes so i was the one who received it.) when i reached our gate, it was just a small piece of paper and i was like: "WTF!! i don't need flyers. when will my package come?" but then when i looked at it, it was addressed to me. it says that i have to pick up a parcel in the post office and so...

YATTTAAAAA!!!!!! yipeee.. it's for real. it's for real... what i've paid for is real!!!!! URESHIIIIIIIIII!!!!

in no time i'm dressed and going out for the post office.

when i reached the post office, the lady attendant told me that they were supposed to close the office earlier (becasue the government cancelled the government employess work day due to the storm), and it was good that i was able to catch her.. (oh thank god, thank god!!!)

then from the storage room, she got a brown box!!! yes, finally this is it!! what i've been dying in waitng for... the reason that i haven't committed suicide during my crucial days of school hassle.. WAAAAHHH.


so i finally had the NewS's Never Ending Wonderful Story DVD. (yeboi.) i was embracing the box in going home. the lady attendant opened the box for checking. but i had not opened the DVD itself until chary arrived, (becasue i promised her that we'll open it together..)(and there is another story for that. because chary was the reason for me to be very UNexcited in opening it..)

and that, ladies and gentlemen, is just the tip of the iceberg for loads of posts regarding the NeewS DVD. i'll be posting lots about it, forgive me. i haven't broken ties with fandom. i am planning of quitting, but due to the rain and the DVD, i think i'm postponing it...

i don't have the pics by now.. so i'll post it some other time..