first sighting of a japboy -->who wouldn't want to go further??!!

i have to steal minutes from my loads of crappy univ works just to greet
my very first japanese boy addiction...

tanjoubi omedetou, matsumoto jun - love

**i'm sorry that i haven't been paying you too much attention/addiction these past few days/months. (blame it all on do-kun, love). but i swear with all my heart that my love for you has never ceased. you are my dearly loved first japboy, and no one can take that recognition away from you. may it be sawada shin, domyouji tsukasa or momo, matsujun is matsujun. and i wouldn't mind if you'd end up with sho.. .. or ohno.

uhmm.. ehem. ehem. i said nothing..

and i promise you from this day froward that i'll love arashi further.

aishiteru jun-love!!

(& omg, i just realized it now, that my mastujun folder pics contains very little amount. i am so ashamed of my self. conscience: "hah.. is this what you call your fandom?")