first sighting of a japboy -->who wouldn't want to go further??!!

i have to steal minutes from my loads of crappy univ works just to greet
my very first japanese boy addiction...

tanjoubi omedetou, matsumoto jun - love

**i'm sorry that i haven't been paying you too much attention/addiction these past few days/months. (blame it all on do-kun, love). but i swear with all my heart that my love for you has never ceased. you are my dearly loved first japboy, and no one can take that recognition away from you. may it be sawada shin, domyouji tsukasa or momo, matsujun is matsujun. and i wouldn't mind if you'd end up with sho.. .. or ohno.

uhmm.. ehem. ehem. i said nothing..

and i promise you from this day froward that i'll love arashi further.

aishiteru jun-love!!

(& omg, i just realized it now, that my mastujun folder pics contains very little amount. i am so ashamed of my self. conscience: "hah.. is this what you call your fandom?")


i am even sub yamada's level

-- honey & clover


mr. gloomy attacks

from wikipedia:

The English singer Aqualung has also written a song, entitled, "Strange and Beautiful", which was featured in the sound-track to the 2004 film Wicker Park, in which the singer spends much of their life secretly in love with an unspecified person, eventually resolving to quietly prove his or her affections in the hopes of reciprocation.

the unrequited love.

i need to be emo at times.

crime of passion


there are new translations of ryo's j-web.. yukata!!

what do you think is severus' shampoo?

i have finally finished reading harry potter and the deathly hallows..

so what indeed is life after harry potter?
can't give answers at all.
it was a break from too much japanizing this past few days.

i was happy journeying the magical world again. and laughing with the weasley twins' cracks. though there were no quidditch matches, i was awed disapparating. i cannot deny that i once took no notice upon this harry potter book. but i admit that this magical world catured me when i started reading its pages...

book 7 was a blend of happy thoughts and down moments. i was hoping that there were no killing curse to be casted but that was too impossible to occur. one chapter compiled so many happenings. but this chapter would make your blood boil and heart pound faster. i swear.. and when i was reading the battle of hogwarts chapter i was holding a slide of a sliding folder to serve as my wand.. haha.. that was how i was into reading those last chapters.

i was a bit sad though that one of my favorite character didn't have so many encounters.. and i think he was non-existing at all.. except for "answering harry's question it does not hurt when one's dying."


severus snape. i trusted dumbledore for trusting severus snape. though i have to admit that i was mad when he casted avada kedavra onto dumbledore in book 6.. but i know there is a story behind that.. and snape.. oh severus snape.. i'm giving him all my love despite his greasy hair...

i don't know how to particularly bid goodbye to harry potter. it gave me the chance to dig a magical world in between lunch breaks and afternoon naps. i don't know how many more times i'm gonna rummage through the pages of every book, but i'm sure i will. someday again.

thank you j.k. rowling..
a kid doesn't expire with just the inclusion of 'teen' in the age.
thanks for sharing your magical world.







ladies and gentlemen, the ryo nishikido's topless precon practice for yamapi's gomen ne, juliet back-up dance..

i have a life. and fandom is not in my priority list. DUH.


here's what i'm talking about.

sell thy soul to johnny!! sell thy soul to johnny!!!

this is something to be looked into:

(you can read the subs by pressing the more in the box beside the vid. after the word trans)

when i first watched that in the dvd (ofcourse it has no subs.) i was uttering these, and only these words: "F*ck. f*ck. f*ck. i would kill to be that rina fangirl.. she's so damn lucky.."

then i watched it on youtube and read the subs.

and i just died. DIED.

I'M STILL DEAD NOW. while typing. dead while typing. haha.
i like that DEAD WHILE TYPING.

sell thy soul to johnny!! sell thy soul to johnny!!


i aM not druNk. I am NOT DrUnk.. I AMNDUIO NOT KDRLUNK.

i need to learn how to make a gif... teach me.. anyone? onegaishimasu...

gifs to do list (but damnit, i don't know how to...):
*ryo nishikido's topless precon practice for yamapi's gomen ne, juliet back-up dance..
*yamashita tomohisa's cam-whoring moment.. chu-ing all the way!!
*ryo nishikido's oishi moment
*yamashita tomohisa's gomen ne, juliet live
*ryo nishikido's topless precon practice for yamapi's gomen ne, juliet back-up dance..
*ryo nishikido's topless precon practice for yamapi's gomen ne, juliet back-up dance..
*ryo nishikido's topless precon practice for yamapi's gomen ne, juliet back-up dance..
*yamapi's cam-whoring moment
*the ryopi handshake before the start of the concert!! (i don't care about bakanishi for once..)
*the onsen scene.
*the onsen scene.
*(and with so much love...) THE ONSEN SCENE
*ryo nishikido's topless precon practice for yamapi's gomen ne, juliet back-up dance
*STILL, ryo nishikido's topless precon practice for yamapi's gomen ne, juliet back-up dance
*and ofcourse, ryo nishikido's topless precon practice for yamapi's gomen ne, juliet back-up dance

crop my soul, but leave NewS to its place...
NewS feeds me.
that's as simple as it goes...

bridging your voice box.. that's what you need to do..

this is my fourth post for this day and yet i haven't even started posting about the NewS DVD.
see.. i told you this would take about 5 chapters = 17 posts.. hahaha

but still this post isn't about the DVD. i think i'll do that tomorrow or later in the wee hours of the morning.

this is just my thoughts about ryo.

i was so mad reading about the rumor that there's a possibility for him to quit NewS and concentrate on Kanjani8 and that he''ll be replaced by toma. i really disagree for that to happen. but after seeing the august 5 shounen club, i was partly agreeing that he'd do so. i have long accepted his mean-ness and bullying, but i think other NewS' members can't handle it anymore (yeah i know, i don't experience his mean-ness, but i love him whatever and whatever.) ..so in the News abake, with the question that is "who among the members i don't get along well.." he was picked twice. yeah. he's such a meanie. so anyway, i just think that if he is not having fun in NewS anymore, it's better for him to be with K8 alone. i know that he considers K8 his second family and he is much comfortable with them than with NewS. and aside from this, when i watched the dvd, god, he was the one who is frequently singing the "bridge part" of the songs, which involves high notes.. and all i can say is.. "sweetie, your jugular veins and your voice box are pleading.."
i'll be the one to brag it.. ryo has a good voice which makes him have more part for both NewS and K8 songs. this is why i kind of think that for his own health, he'd better stick to just one group.

then i watched another shounen club earlier (the aug 12 SC) wherein i saw that ryo was looking a bit down and that he had this aura of "wanting to finish that SC a.s.a.p." i think he's feeling lonely with NewS (yamashita, what are you doing? your lover needs your comforting!!!) i don't like seeing ryo like this. he sort of looks like not feeling good. well, i dunno. (but wait, when he sang CODE, i was hyperventilating. he's so kakkoi.)

but on the other hand.. here's my very reasonable thought. i need to watch a NewS concert. and i don't think i'll be able to see one before this year ends (that is ULTIMATELY impossible) and it is said that ryo will leave NewS at jan 1 next year.

so what the f*ck am i going to do?

i need to watch a NewS concert with all NewS members. and that solely means that RYO IS THERE. i love NewS as NewS and ryo was the reason that i loved NewS. so wacthing a concert of NewS (someday) without ryo in it is nonsense. so johnny, mary and whoever, please don't remove ryo from NewS, i beg of you.

and ofcourse, one of my most prominent reason is how about the ryopi rabu-rabu?

hehehe. i'm so indecisive.

but whatever. ryo-chan, daisuki.. ; 0

so i'll be leaving the net for this time with this. i need to switch to a different fandom.
i'm switching to the HP7 mode. (finally, i'm reading it..)

johnny k. and his rainbows

last august 6, i was randomly browsing the net (= fangirling) and checking my mail.. when i read this from my mail's homepage:

sender: info@cdjapan.co.jp
subject: Order Update: We Shipped Your Order Today

(i was already saying "oh my god" nonstop when i read that, and i haven't opened it yet)


Dear nov,
Thank you for shopping at CDJapan.
We shipped your order today.

Order Number: *************

Shipping Address:

Please sign in to Customer Account to view order details.
Thank you, and we look forward to the opportunity to serve you again.


.....and after which, i was already jumping with so much joy i cannot contain.. : ) : ) : )
which led me into writing

that was august 6. after 7 days i haven't received anything. not even an envelope. my comforting words included: "it's raining.. it's raining... mr. postman will get an accident if he delivers it in the middle of the storm.."

so after days of unending statement such as: "will it really come by my hands? waaaahhhh i'm so nervous..."

wednesday came, where i had no class, so i spent all morning looking outside our gate whenever i hear motorcycles. (yeah, i am sort of a paranoid.)

then a notice came by our house (good thing i have no classes so i was the one who received it.) when i reached our gate, it was just a small piece of paper and i was like: "WTF!! i don't need flyers. when will my package come?" but then when i looked at it, it was addressed to me. it says that i have to pick up a parcel in the post office and so...

YATTTAAAAA!!!!!! yipeee.. it's for real. it's for real... what i've paid for is real!!!!! URESHIIIIIIIIII!!!!

in no time i'm dressed and going out for the post office.

when i reached the post office, the lady attendant told me that they were supposed to close the office earlier (becasue the government cancelled the government employess work day due to the storm), and it was good that i was able to catch her.. (oh thank god, thank god!!!)

then from the storage room, she got a brown box!!! yes, finally this is it!! what i've been dying in waitng for... the reason that i haven't committed suicide during my crucial days of school hassle.. WAAAAHHH.


so i finally had the NewS's Never Ending Wonderful Story DVD. (yeboi.) i was embracing the box in going home. the lady attendant opened the box for checking. but i had not opened the DVD itself until chary arrived, (becasue i promised her that we'll open it together..)(and there is another story for that. because chary was the reason for me to be very UNexcited in opening it..)

and that, ladies and gentlemen, is just the tip of the iceberg for loads of posts regarding the NeewS DVD. i'll be posting lots about it, forgive me. i haven't broken ties with fandom. i am planning of quitting, but due to the rain and the DVD, i think i'm postponing it...

i don't have the pics by now.. so i'll post it some other time..

happy birthday bad luck, i hope you had a great time... : )

so how do i start? waaaaahhhhhh

okay. bad things first..

i know i am the cram queen and i suck at time management bigtime, and it is probably due to the case study-making that i wasn't able to write about things. last monday, we we're tremendously shaken by the really sudden announcement of our c.i. that the deadline for our case study would be the next morning (tuesday), which was supposed to be the next next morning. so i was stunned. i haven't had anything accomplished.. plus, our case presentation would also fall on that next day, and we haven't talked how we're going to do it. so here i am again, cramming all the way.. didn't sleep at all, i was supposed to move out of the house at 4:45 am (becasue 7am was our schedule), but until 5:15 am i was still in front of the pc doing my case.. oh what a crappy life. i was hitting the keyboard and muttering curses at the same time (i'm so talanetd with bad words uttering actually..)

then, i left the house at 5:50 without sleep, and with a 30-minutes-done copy-paste nonsense ebn and an incomplete case study that was big time equivalent to rubbish. i have wholeheartedly accepted that i'm gonna get a grave-digging grade for this case study. oh, god, bless me..

i left the house so late that i know i'm going to arrive at the hospital so late as well. hello? traffic is like a true-to-life nightmare at 6am. and what a very unlucky day it was that my wrist watch stopped. so from our house until the hospital (until i went home and until now) it is still pointing at 6:05. the big sucking part of that day is that i don't know what on earth is the exact time. THE WHOLE DAY.. I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS.

then i arrived at the hospital at 7:45, with the big problem embracing me with a welcome: "nov, ayaw gumana nung powerpoint ng case pres..." we're DEAD. nothing more to say. JUST DEAD.

and so that day ended for us having no case presentation because we weren't allowed to fix it outside the hospital premises and becasue we are bunch of crammers. the moral is.. don't divulge yourslef into studying, because studying ruins adequate amount of sleep.. hehehe. kidding.

well, i'll try to do my work earlier next time. (and try to help with case pres.)
i'm such an unexisting soul in case presentation..

(despite this bad luck.. i'm drooling right now.. because of the recent shounen club. nishikido ryo.. yamete kudasai..) (this just means i'm over the bad luck day.) : )


no classes equals super thin devouring

woah. so many things to share. i don't know why i was suddenly out of the line these past few days. out of the blogging of stuff directly after i've encoutered them. i've got loads to share. and probably it would take 5 chapters.. LOL

there's so many things, good and bad, that has happened this week. i actually do not know how to properly begin. my brain is so crowded. and it's raining outside.. and if you'll ask me what's my problem with brain being crowded and rain pouring.. well.. just listen to the rain falling in the rooftop.. it's so hypnotizing.

and see what it makes? it makes me write nonsense things. just like this.

so i'll just warn you of a blog-marathon i'll be doing.. if the rain doesn't succeed in making me hide under my blanket and walk away to dreamland (wih nishikido ryo.) ---> i definitely have to add that.

ja ne..





First of all, removing a member from a group doesn't make sense. yes i know, ryo has k8, but he has proven he can juggle the two right,, hello, he has been looking so malnourished but he still accepted, because in the first place, who had decided to put him in two groups? you're so unreasonable.. NewS would not be NewS if a member is removed and replaced by a new one. you have already taken ucchi and kusano out, ryo does not deserve to be pulled out from NewS for any reason at all.

and you cannot cannot cannot MAKE TOMA AS A REPLACEMENT. it is not fair for him... NewS is NewS and toma is not a member of NewS.. he deserves to debut in a new group. he is not to be branded as REPLACEMENT.. toma deserves more for he has worked so hard for so many years, waiting for his debut, but not in an already established group. TOMA DESERVES MORE....

and oh my god, please be fair to the NewS fans. what you have established is what you have established. fans loved the group becasue they are the members of the group. it is very very very unreasonable for you to pull out anyone from the group any time you want. yes, i know, you own the Jimusho, but you're still alive because of the fans...

i am so mad with this..

damn it, please make this a rumor.

"japboys movie marathon"

happy for chary. i can't plunge into further details. just honto ni ureshi!!!


shipping mail has arrived, even before the date of release (which really surprised me). it will knock by our door after 4-12 days (all i can afford is airmail) but worst case scenario, it may arrive after 8 weeks.. (please pray with me that it won't reach that long.)


thank you kami-sama for the great rain. it helps. i love the rain (but not in the terms of the rain and my white shoes' encounter). i love road trips when it rains and bus trips when it rains. and the rain helps with current drought. so let's learn to love the rain minna-san.. (while singing o-o--saka rainy blu--uesss)

i still can't stop laughing from this... douzo

ueki equals "patayin mo na lang ako, kudasai..."

i refuse to get excited.. i refuse to get excited. i refuse to get excited.
i refuse to get excited.....

there is nothing in there. no picture is there.. nothing.

it is not from the Never Ending Wonderful Story.

i'm not excited. not excited.

kjsahrfgastkljygiawehriygvwjh. not at all. akjhecsat buveykjfarshThaeur

vendy's blog gives me the reason to disregard suicide at this point of time. thanks vendy, with all my heart...

credit to vendy for the pic.

clear indications of emotions depend on vivid stimuli. WTF.

give me the exact term of the feeling of combined anger and excitement.


i'm trying so hard not to react violently but i'm currently pulling my hair.

so this is the scenario..
i love vendy's blog.. because it's paradise, and i love every scans she makes.
but this pic, god how am i to describe how i felt?

i felt all of these by the moment i saw this pic: angst, jealousy, envy, hatred, (wow. seven deadly sins, in a couple of seconds..)then i saw this: which partially covered up my above feelings:
i felt extremely, extremely excited, it will come by my hands soon.. yipeee!!!

but then, i saw this pic again...
on the upper left corner.. here's a bigger pic:
the right one is the LE and the left is RE.

i don't understand hiragana, katakana and kanji. but gawd.. i undestood how baka i am with what is written there.


well, judging by how it is written, and basing my judgment on what i have previously read as well. the limited edition includes a 20+ pages booklet (of which i do not know what it contains, but i wouldn't care less because i'm perfectly sure it is about NewS) and both the regular and limited edition costs the same. and the honto ni BAKA me had a chance to buy the limited edition but due to my bakaness i was only able to order the regular edition. because i'm such a fetus in the on-line ordering world. and with this i hate myself.
but i'm just begging for the DVD to come by my hands safely, please.. please.. please...

credit goes to vendy's blog for all the pics!!

i have no time for picspam.

hana kimi is equivalent to "i have tomorrow for RRL finding, case study starting and paulo coelho reading"

first things first.. once and for all i'm telling you that oguri shun is mine. haha
the high jumper turns into a rare kind of monster when he is drunk. now tell me where he is, a case of beer is waiting in our fridge.

let me share to you how flexible yamapi is.

all these following species have been with yamapi:

in a resto, in his house (probably), in his bed (most probably), a classroom:
(he's yamapi's mabudachi, btw)
in a dorama, in a movie (soon), in a rootop:

in a concert, a photoshoot, a backstage, dressing room, a bed (most probably, again.. TOMAPI rabu rabu, ne?), a hotel room, ....ask and it shall be given..
a bed (i'm sure with this one) (what?!! it's just literal.they're sitting in one bed.), a resto, a restroom (i swear. watch stand up!), a love hotel room (again, pls. watch stand up!):
and TADA... the four of them are together...
the great great yamshita tomohisa is the lover, friend, co-star of everyone

drunk sano = KISSING MONSTER

this is what i am talking about. bring on down the beer.

uhm.. calling sano. sano, please drop by our house.. now.

i just love how nakatsu DENIES. I DEFINITELY LOVE THIS SCENE.
tactics for convincing yourself (a guy) that you do not like another guy
tell your sexual preference while stripping

nakatsu's resisting what he feels towards another HEand he meets failure with a cup

and more of nakastu's untoward feelings...
signs of forbidden love (for a guy claiming he is straight)

1. jaw-dropping 2. face turning pink
3. nose bleeding
4. denying
5. stating a fact (which is not a fact, really)
6. ...and failing
i love you nakatsu.. offer your nosebleed to me, kudasai.

and to sum it all up.. this is how nakatsu falls in love..

pink hearts fly where he has touched his love's shoulder..

and i'll just say this with one big heart.. i love you toma, i really do.

i'm not making another picspam for hana kimi. i swear.