ftw, dark and knives.

these past few days, i've realized some things...

1. the last 4 doramas that i've wathced involved killings, crimes and betrayals

2. initially, i thought bloody monday is better than maou, then at the middle of watching maou, i told myself that they are equally good, and by episode 9 of maou, i've decided maou is beter than bloody monday. AND in the end consider maou way way awesome than bloody monday.

maou is more evil. more twisted. more complicated and exciting.
and there were lesser irritating circumstances in maou than bloody monday.
plus, toma looks good in any camera angle. hawt hawt hawt. smoking hot toma.

i never expected he would act that great. damn.
probably because i saw him act dorky from the beginning. so in maou, damn he's so good. (and hot.)



i rooted for an ending like that. kudos for maou's ending, i wouldn't want it any other way.
the ending is so damn unique. i loved maou the series but my love for it would be credited more for it's ending. kudos to writers maikawa-san and nishida-san.

i mean, that ending was one-of-a-kind. no sparing of anyone.

damn, i loved the ending more than anything else.

but i loved how twisted and complicated it was for naoto. i pitied him althroughout because he was a victim of his self's, his family's and his friends' circumstances.
i loved intelligent naruse, and his accident plans. smart evil he is.

this is such a twisted drama, full of revenge and betrayal and death.


yes there are ghei moments. especially this 'bonded by death' ending.

no, i'm not being sarcastic that i loved the ending. I SERIOUSLY LOVED IT. (and i cannot really make the ghei portion an exception, because i was laughing hard while a tear was rolling down my cheeks.)

3. sho wins as my favorite arashi.

4. though i still love matsujun because he's matsujun, and aiba because he's dorky and fun, and nino because he's shou-chan and aniki, and ofcourse ohno is the songer of them all and is evil.. no not evil..