pocari sundays, seven pm inventory

call me sadist or whatever but i would want to watch crows zero 2. ASAP. i want to see hard-headed hot guys scarring each others faces soon. i mean miura haruma is there. so i need to judge for myself.

over and done.

finally, three months is up and deadline has succumb. i'm back to the bum life. except that i have so many plans ahead for my career and my f*cking health.
i need iv training. i need it be accomplished.
i need to get a grip of my health.
i need my lungs checked up, my blood screened for things and such and such.
i had an unhealthy practice in the hospital, plus my immune system is blah, so i need to fucking hold on to a healthy me.
please help me take initiative and be responsible.


i didn't expect it to occur, but somehow, i'm going to miss my hospital duties. and most especially, the people i've spent almost twelve hours of each day with. for pals that have become friends. for gossips and patient TIA bad mouthings. though i became tired of long hours and days spent in the corners of the hospital, there were fun and happy conversations, tauntings and happenings.


where do i go from here?

unknown. AGAIN. (sh't i'm back to that word.)