i need giant windmills, and so i need a giant home as well. oh nevermind.

the temperature is oh so rising, so i call it 'officially summer' now... and because the only basis i have to say that it's 'officially summer' is invalid now, because that is in reference to ending of classes.
so i have to change parameters and base it solely on temperature.

yay summer!!
no for too much perspiring. it's really hot these days..

i don't know if i'm heading anywhere this summer. i am still jobless and unproductive. sometimes i get bored of being bored. sometimes i'm quite relieved that i don't have to deal with early morning traffic and because i suck big time at waking up early.

i dug up some cds with pictures and i've seen some insane photography attempts of mine.
please forgive me for failing badly. LOLLL. these are taken during summer some years ago, in our rooftop, so it's still somewhat related to post these.

i am admitting it now. i've lost a lot of pounds of interest over JE fandom. and ryo included. i'm too lazy to download vids or download pictures. i still want to get a hold of it though. it has served a great amount of happiness to me over the past 2-3 years. my problem is, i don't really know what i want to do and accomplish first. what kind of crossroad is this?