coats and vitamin c for colds

if there's one thing i'd wish the Korean HYD would defy from the original is that they make ga eul and yi jung (yuki and soujiro) end up together happily. i cross my fingers. please grant me this Korea, the two look good together.

ji hoo (hanazawa rui) is like a knight in shinning armour-slash-mushroom-slash-genie-slash-satellite. he sure knows when, where and what depressing situation/danger has happened to jandi that he shows up in a blink of an eye. BLINK OF AN EYE, i dare say.

i like you ji hoo, but i can never give up on the fail and dork that is embeded on goo jun pyo. sorry.

truthfully, i only started seeing sparkling lights for boys before flowers in episode 9. and i'm still often annoyed by jandi and her random glued moments to ji hoo while she's goo jun pyo's girlfriend and random thinking about ji hoo prior to thinking about jun pyo moments. but it's getting intersting. i hope it'll last until episode 24.