i need giant windmills, and so i need a giant home as well. oh nevermind.

the temperature is oh so rising, so i call it 'officially summer' now... and because the only basis i have to say that it's 'officially summer' is invalid now, because that is in reference to ending of classes.
so i have to change parameters and base it solely on temperature.

yay summer!!
no for too much perspiring. it's really hot these days..

i don't know if i'm heading anywhere this summer. i am still jobless and unproductive. sometimes i get bored of being bored. sometimes i'm quite relieved that i don't have to deal with early morning traffic and because i suck big time at waking up early.

i dug up some cds with pictures and i've seen some insane photography attempts of mine.
please forgive me for failing badly. LOLLL. these are taken during summer some years ago, in our rooftop, so it's still somewhat related to post these.

i am admitting it now. i've lost a lot of pounds of interest over JE fandom. and ryo included. i'm too lazy to download vids or download pictures. i still want to get a hold of it though. it has served a great amount of happiness to me over the past 2-3 years. my problem is, i don't really know what i want to do and accomplish first. what kind of crossroad is this?


ftw, dark and knives.

these past few days, i've realized some things...

1. the last 4 doramas that i've wathced involved killings, crimes and betrayals

2. initially, i thought bloody monday is better than maou, then at the middle of watching maou, i told myself that they are equally good, and by episode 9 of maou, i've decided maou is beter than bloody monday. AND in the end consider maou way way awesome than bloody monday.

maou is more evil. more twisted. more complicated and exciting.
and there were lesser irritating circumstances in maou than bloody monday.
plus, toma looks good in any camera angle. hawt hawt hawt. smoking hot toma.

i never expected he would act that great. damn.
probably because i saw him act dorky from the beginning. so in maou, damn he's so good. (and hot.)



i rooted for an ending like that. kudos for maou's ending, i wouldn't want it any other way.
the ending is so damn unique. i loved maou the series but my love for it would be credited more for it's ending. kudos to writers maikawa-san and nishida-san.

i mean, that ending was one-of-a-kind. no sparing of anyone.

damn, i loved the ending more than anything else.

but i loved how twisted and complicated it was for naoto. i pitied him althroughout because he was a victim of his self's, his family's and his friends' circumstances.
i loved intelligent naruse, and his accident plans. smart evil he is.

this is such a twisted drama, full of revenge and betrayal and death.


yes there are ghei moments. especially this 'bonded by death' ending.

no, i'm not being sarcastic that i loved the ending. I SERIOUSLY LOVED IT. (and i cannot really make the ghei portion an exception, because i was laughing hard while a tear was rolling down my cheeks.)

3. sho wins as my favorite arashi.

4. though i still love matsujun because he's matsujun, and aiba because he's dorky and fun, and nino because he's shou-chan and aniki, and ofcourse ohno is the songer of them all and is evil.. no not evil..


... miscalculated calculating sequence

i am so stressed that i am not stressed... get that?

after 3 months of being called a workforce member, i am again a floating soul at home.
i am very unproductive. AGAIN.

and i have nothing else to say. my brain is malfunctioning. haha.

i want dried mangoes, stat.

and since it cannot be helped, i'm going to buzz about it as well (but would not go gaga).

Matsumoto Jun's new drama will star him as a half-Filipino, half-Japanese guy with love stuff thingy with Aragaki Yui.

my initial reaction was "EHHHH???!!! hahahaha". in that exact order and with the 'HAHAHA' included for real.

because it sounds weird. he doesn't look filipino at all. he does look asian, and technically speaking filipinos are asian. but still it's such a rare look for a filipino. and if in this drama, his father is the filipino one, then he should have more filipino features according to dominant genes from the father. well, that's just me calculating X-Y genes and nonsense. :)

anyway, i anticipate that in the drama they'll say that he's half-filipino thrice only and would NOT deal about it anymore. LOLL. i mean i don't think it will cause such an issue in that drama. or him like looking for his filipino heritage such and such. oh come on, japan wouldn't be interested in such storyline for their dramas, and that's in my opinion. AND... i highly doubt he will ever film scenes here in the Philippines. but i will ready myself --->LOLLL, i am such a loser. haha

and every Filipino fangirl would want to hear him speak Filipino. not me though. THAT WOULD BE 3000 times MORE WEIRD. REALLY. (just hearing a filipino phrase from Takuya Kimura's drama Good Luck, made me go "HUH????" a thousand times; what more if i hear the lead actor himself throwing in Tagalog lines? O__O)

don't get me wrong, i am a proud Filipino, but i know the reality that Japanese doesn't give a damn about Filipinos or the Philippines.

and if they make Filipinos look bad and stupid in this drama, i would have grudge to Japan. i hope they wouldn't do that. that would be really chaotic. knowing that filipinos hate being discriminated even a little bit.

coats and vitamin c for colds

if there's one thing i'd wish the Korean HYD would defy from the original is that they make ga eul and yi jung (yuki and soujiro) end up together happily. i cross my fingers. please grant me this Korea, the two look good together.

ji hoo (hanazawa rui) is like a knight in shinning armour-slash-mushroom-slash-genie-slash-satellite. he sure knows when, where and what depressing situation/danger has happened to jandi that he shows up in a blink of an eye. BLINK OF AN EYE, i dare say.

i like you ji hoo, but i can never give up on the fail and dork that is embeded on goo jun pyo. sorry.

truthfully, i only started seeing sparkling lights for boys before flowers in episode 9. and i'm still often annoyed by jandi and her random glued moments to ji hoo while she's goo jun pyo's girlfriend and random thinking about ji hoo prior to thinking about jun pyo moments. but it's getting intersting. i hope it'll last until episode 24.


i dare say it's not lupus.

i watched Slumdog Millionaire and i found it a very good film. the genre of the story is a very common one - the from rags to riches kind of movie, but the plot was very interesting and how the story itself unfolds is brilliantly written. the actors were very good as well. and Jamal looks good. but a big surprise came by the end of the film, i was out of my chair seeing that everyone was dancing. dancing. everyone. i have never watched any Hindi films from before, so i am very sorry if i am sounding stupid or what, but is this a common thing in Bollywood? i am so sorry for such imbecile inquiry.. please enlighten me.

i am so happy that Hugh Laurie received something from the Screen Actors Guild awards. i hope one day Dr. House can diagnose my real disease, because i am sick again. what a weakling i am! LOL.

i am to watch House season 5 after i write this post. i missed House.

my mom is very very indecisive. last month she told me to just work in texas. a week after that she asked me if i'd like to find work in canada, and today she was telling me all this stuff about work in london! seriously mom! do you want to tour around the world?!!

pocari sundays, seven pm inventory

call me sadist or whatever but i would want to watch crows zero 2. ASAP. i want to see hard-headed hot guys scarring each others faces soon. i mean miura haruma is there. so i need to judge for myself.

over and done.

finally, three months is up and deadline has succumb. i'm back to the bum life. except that i have so many plans ahead for my career and my f*cking health.
i need iv training. i need it be accomplished.
i need to get a grip of my health.
i need my lungs checked up, my blood screened for things and such and such.
i had an unhealthy practice in the hospital, plus my immune system is blah, so i need to fucking hold on to a healthy me.
please help me take initiative and be responsible.


i didn't expect it to occur, but somehow, i'm going to miss my hospital duties. and most especially, the people i've spent almost twelve hours of each day with. for pals that have become friends. for gossips and patient TIA bad mouthings. though i became tired of long hours and days spent in the corners of the hospital, there were fun and happy conversations, tauntings and happenings.


where do i go from here?

unknown. AGAIN. (sh't i'm back to that word.)