i won't go for the ipod. i'd go for you. (ehem)


i am down to the last research defense before the end of this semester (except for grade slip distribution though). then, i've got my last semester after this. but a few more major exams coming up. i am still hoping i'd get my degree without problems (woah. that's degree i'm talking about. it's so big.) anyway, break is coming just 2 last days and ... ... ... i don't know.

when i opened this blog and saw the countdown to ryo's birthday, i went: "oh my god, it's so near, and i haven't prepared anything for his birthday." it's not that i am required into doing some presento for him. i just felt that i needed to exert effort and say to the world that "hey, i'm nishikido ryo's big fangirl!!" but time is not on my side.

i'm hoping i'd come up with something though.

and what is that ipod all about?