sky key

yep. i am still alive.

and because i am a victim of total intra and interpersonal chaos, i think i somehow changed from what i used to be. woah.

well, anyway, i refused to have access to a computer nor to an internet for more than six weeks i think. so the rumor of ryo having a real-life girlfriend didn't struck me much.

damn. i am definitely losing grip of japan fandom (and of a lot of other things).

but i refuse to turn my back. fandom is the only thing that made me happy. then it was taken away from me. so probably i am in my recovery period right now. and i am hoping i'll still be able to make fandom as my only happy thing. (yes, i have a very shitty, dull and sad real life. sad but true.)

so ryo has a real-life girlfriend huh?

anyway, i hope from this day forward i can return to my previous self. i know it wasn't healthy, but i was contented with the happiness japan fandom provides during those days. i want to go back that way.