
community immersion is over but i'm still so dead tired.

it's 11 pm, i'm still up and doing my requirements. need to get up by 4:30 am and move out of the house by 5:30. have to do a whole day body torture for my duty is until 10 pm and it's in a far-away land medical center.

i'm gonna die soon. what we're doing is suicide...

and i need to read books. lots and lots. because not indulging into it would mean suicide again. and since i'm already dead.. i am gonna be dead again. dead twice?and reading was currently emphasized by our professor. he said it in class this morning for infinite times...

i need my dose of jdoramas badly.

i have so many on my list that i need to f-ing watch.

hana kimi (oguri, pls. wait for me, ne?) (and toma too) (and boys, boys, boys.. just raining boys..)
yama taro (shoxnino, shoxnino, shoxnino, no other reason)
bambino (hello?! i'm so so left behind)
first kiss (mao is my favorite jap actress)
sexy voice and robo (matsuken - un'L')

prodai ending is "eh?!"

but still yamapi looks kakkoi..

it's 11:40 now. still not done doing my paperworks. i just need one more page. but i'm too lazy to think now..

internet connection is doomed as usual.

so i'm going to move my ass now. ganbatte.

free time, doko desu ka, prs come. asap. hayaku..