cloud seeders.

am i falling for otherjoseph? hehe. so unlikely.

...he looks jai-ish in some angle. (speaking of the guy, i haven't watched him in current uaap games. too je-focused nowadays.)
...i want to marry his pictures and probably his cam too.
...i didn't know he was featured in PDI. i should've bought the saturday paper if i knew it earlier.
...otherjoseph. otherjoseph. otherjoseph (seizure?)
..can't say anything more. he's really (goddamit) GREAT!!

by the way, i am having multi-oragn failure, these past months. i'm gonna die soon, i think (not related to fandom). i'm experiencing multiple organ alterations. hello? body organs, genki desu ka?
i still haven't read book seven. (hampaslupa.) : (
pc is still a virus. or rather, virus remains a virus. ...since the pre historic era pa 'to
i'm going on duty 3 hours from now. (ayoko, actually.)
i said i'm gonna read acad books, but my effing a** is too lazy. (sige, bahala ka.. kaninong kasiraan ba ng buhay yan?)

wasn't able to see joligs. **siyet, i miss you guys... eeww.
i'm not going to write: "i think i'm going to marry ryo tomorrow." so i won't write it. (no, it's actually not what you have read.)

and this is a breaking news. since i have wathced a total of ONE episode for hanakimi (which i said would bring me back to dorama fandom. WTF.) darkeyedwolf nailed it again. i'll give her the your-screencaps-color-my-world-with-yen-and-wrap-my-cerebrum-with-rainbow-bracelets award . darkeyedwolf never fails to make me flail with utter happiness.


so i'm moving back to japanizing. ja. : )