for the love of love.


NewS Dream video..


from Never Ending Wonderful Story DVD..




cloud seeders.

am i falling for otherjoseph? hehe. so unlikely.

...he looks jai-ish in some angle. (speaking of the guy, i haven't watched him in current uaap games. too je-focused nowadays.)
...i want to marry his pictures and probably his cam too.
...i didn't know he was featured in PDI. i should've bought the saturday paper if i knew it earlier.
...otherjoseph. otherjoseph. otherjoseph (seizure?)
..can't say anything more. he's really (goddamit) GREAT!!

by the way, i am having multi-oragn failure, these past months. i'm gonna die soon, i think (not related to fandom). i'm experiencing multiple organ alterations. hello? body organs, genki desu ka?
i still haven't read book seven. (hampaslupa.) : (
pc is still a virus. or rather, virus remains a virus. ...since the pre historic era pa 'to
i'm going on duty 3 hours from now. (ayoko, actually.)
i said i'm gonna read acad books, but my effing a** is too lazy. (sige, bahala ka.. kaninong kasiraan ba ng buhay yan?)

wasn't able to see joligs. **siyet, i miss you guys... eeww.
i'm not going to write: "i think i'm going to marry ryo tomorrow." so i won't write it. (no, it's actually not what you have read.)

and this is a breaking news. since i have wathced a total of ONE episode for hanakimi (which i said would bring me back to dorama fandom. WTF.) darkeyedwolf nailed it again. i'll give her the your-screencaps-color-my-world-with-yen-and-wrap-my-cerebrum-with-rainbow-bracelets award . darkeyedwolf never fails to make me flail with utter happiness.


so i'm moving back to japanizing. ja. : )

by suneohair
honey & clover ost
I rub my heavy eyelids to reveal
A pastel-like future
I follow with a grimace
The symbols scattered there
Say, what was it that we were looking for again?
That’s right, when were those days
When we met, unable to resist our gravity?
It’s like a waltz, isn’t it? It’s mysterious.
We paint away
At the crossroads
Where sunlight whispers through the trees
Whirling along, as if in a waltz
The landscape that we see,
By throwing up all the overheated emotions
Ignites the image
That had been smoldering me for over half a year
What was it that we lost?
Even then, it’s okay
We attracted each other with our gravity, didn’t we?
It’s like a waltz, isn’t it?
It’s wonderful
The two of us paint
While listening to the faint chirping
Whirling along, as if in a waltz
Reality feigns innocence as
We repaint it in primary colors
Hey, I’ll pull you closer
And let’s keep dancing from there
In a waltz for the two of us
It’s like a waltz, isn’t it?
It’s mysterious.
We paint away
At the crossroads
Where sunlight whispers through the trees
Whirling along, as if in a waltz
(credit: forums.animesuki.com)
**i can't escape from this song for days..


i didn't know organizing would be so hard. my pc is a virus and my folder is a mess.
organize. organize. organize.

fandom. ureshi.

i'm loving hana kimi. with all the boys.. the half-naked boys.. oguri without shirt. OMG. i've only watched 23 minutes of an hour episode 1, and i say these things. hana kimi will bring me back to my dorama fandom. and toma.. i love you, your towel and your ruler.
please let me be ashiya mizuki, onegai


harry potter. i'm gonna die soon, please let me read deathly hallows. asap. i need this. a few more days without reading book 7, i'm gonna have total emotional, physical and mental breakdown. onegai, spare me a piece of magic.

thanks to vendy's blog. i became totally insane at 4:30 am.

i prefer black hair, but i just can't help loving him. ryo-chan daisuki.


and yamada taro is such a rabu-rabu. some background music brings me back to the STAND UP! days. i love nino. i love sho. i love shoxnino. and their rabu-rabu.

god, i love japan.



here are my pulong saguing escapade pics.
because. because i want to post it. watdahel.

pau there, not me.
(on our early rainy morning ocular survey.)

we walked a lot. i swear. everyday.. tiring, but fun as well..

i don't like taking pictures of flowers. i don't.

i would never let the immersion pass without a sky pic.

pulong sagiung transients.

groggy picspam.
siraan na 'to ng pagkatao.
bakit ba? ako ang master bully eh



corimba express, cubao yale and box-out

e.g. girl is corimba express.

for the great effort in stealing her way through the fx and overpowering 4 guys, we declare her...
the great CORIMBA EXPRESS!!!
[gaze upon the sky and let's chant together: corimba express, corimba express..spare us an fx please...]

E.G. girl as Corimba Express
pag walang fx na dumadating

["where are your requirements for graduation?" >>"ma'am, pinunit po ng mga kalaban ng Corimba."]

for anonimity, just guess who the great corimba express is.


with a big heart : )

my favorite shirt:

..thanks chary.



community immersion is over but i'm still so dead tired.

it's 11 pm, i'm still up and doing my requirements. need to get up by 4:30 am and move out of the house by 5:30. have to do a whole day body torture for my duty is until 10 pm and it's in a far-away land medical center.

i'm gonna die soon. what we're doing is suicide...

and i need to read books. lots and lots. because not indulging into it would mean suicide again. and since i'm already dead.. i am gonna be dead again. dead twice?and reading was currently emphasized by our professor. he said it in class this morning for infinite times...

i need my dose of jdoramas badly.

i have so many on my list that i need to f-ing watch.

hana kimi (oguri, pls. wait for me, ne?) (and toma too) (and boys, boys, boys.. just raining boys..)
yama taro (shoxnino, shoxnino, shoxnino, no other reason)
bambino (hello?! i'm so so left behind)
first kiss (mao is my favorite jap actress)
sexy voice and robo (matsuken - un'L')

prodai ending is "eh?!"

but still yamapi looks kakkoi..

it's 11:40 now. still not done doing my paperworks. i just need one more page. but i'm too lazy to think now..

internet connection is doomed as usual.

so i'm going to move my ass now. ganbatte.

free time, doko desu ka, prs come. asap. hayaku..

tanjoubi omedetou shige!!

credit for the pic: hadaka no johnny's

too loud, but coming in anyway

i haven't slept in bed for one whole week. and that is literal.

for the past days, it's either i sleep in our living room couch, the bus, the pc chair, or just bending my head over a table. nope, i'm not taking dope, nor trying to do experiments on "what position do we have the best sleep". blame it all on school requirements and community immersion. crap, i'm dead exhausted.

it's suicide and we chose double suicide.

so after four days of not being able to come home.. i was like "wow, everything looks different.." when i steeped in our house. i missed home.

and i missed fandom. with all my heart chambers and brain cells.

i arrived home, okay. but my paperworks, case study stuffs, is not over. ahdbbhasjbyaksfhjscyuawtrahetvbyaiytaoi..


and i'm currently blogging.

i am back to fandom.. *cough* *cough*. i am partially back to fandom. still exhausted, but left with no choice but to pass reaction papers, case study and quizzes.

i am thankfully glad that his hair is black again. he's so indecisive. but i love him anyway. (did i write that?)

please let it stay that way..


who cares about late comers? (um. aside from professors?)

i am no blogger. but i'm having a blog now. for the reason that ... um.. i have no reason.

so i'm always too late about things. it comes my way early but i have certain reasons for rejection. then i end up accepting it. just like this.

okay, nonsense..