rainbow report 03: the eito series (2nd part)

this is just too badass, not to give time to screencap.

among the three newly released videos of Kanjani8, this won as my favorite. Big time. and it's all thanks to this:maru with a gun. i cannot wish for more.

yes this is soooo late, and i even thought i would go back to normal blogging and forgetting to screencap the YOU CAN SEE video of maru and hina. but when i rewatched the video, i just cannot neglect it. damn. IT'S TOO BADASS. because maru as a yakuza cannot be taken for granted. haha.

racoon coat. nice. more badass points. hurrah

and hina is just too sexy in this video.

with petals. with falling petals. OMG.. it cannot be overrated.
because it's falling to maru.
in slow motion. uber slow motion.

slowly falling petals. RED. WHITE. we cannot ask for more.

oh maru.

badass stand. badass coat. badass location.

and a badass wink.

with badass props. too much badass is bad. ah.

it cannot get more brutally hardcore without weapons.

(why am i suddenly singing fatboy slim's the weapon of choice?)



oh i ♥ maru.
you badass.

after the weapons we shall have uh..
umbrellas. whut?
polka dot umbrella for you maru, because polka dot is badass.
badass in all the sense of the word.

everything in this video is in slooooooowww moooootttiiiioooonnn.
and we have to witness gravity with pouring liquids.

from falling petals to rising.
gravity. gravity. gravity?

this video is too much awesome all over.

maru says he cannot end it without a final badass glance.

and a final tough pose:

i had no idea why his face was blurred.but i was answered with this:

oh well, i hope maru doesn't get tired.