obit notes

if you happen to pass by this blog and
  1. you watch House MD;
  2. you haven't watched the last episode (season 5, episode 20 - aired april 6, 2009 in the US);
  3. and you DO NOT want spoilers...


i am dumbfounded.
and grieving.

surprise! surprise. production staff of House surely knows how to surprise its viewers.
and this is a fucking, myocardial infarction-inducing kind of shock.
kutner is off House for good, and he bade goodbye with a suicide - sudden and unknown of cause.
it was ultimately saddening because kutner's presence in House's team is sort of a resort - dr. cool, friend of everybody, idiotic smile painted on the face. he was least likely a character you would think to shoot himself in the temple. but he did.

i didn't really know previous spoilers for the show and the talk about someone leaving and dying. but what's so fucking absurd is my facebook's news feed home page, where a non-spoiler House video entitled: Watch the video tribute remembering Dr. Lawrence Kutner from House and Add the Kutner Memorial Badge to you Facebook page and more is posted. that's where i first learned about this episode's twist. AND me, who is stupid, and who is 'accidentally' tracking on spoilers rather than avoiding it, visited House's wiki, and that's where i initially read that he worked his way out through suicide. so i downloaded it immediately, but everything's still so freaking shocking.


it was very surprising, thinking that he just solved leptospirosis last episode, he just saved taub's ass and disregarded credit. truthfully though, since i've seen the april fool's video of house days ago, and kutner wasn't there, and in the 19th episode he lied to house, i was thinking "is he getting fired and leaving the show?" i was oddly going to that conclusion. but he didn't die in that episode.

goosebumps. all over me. when foreman and 13 are trying to save him, all hairs in my skin are standing. it feels unreal.
then denial. (omg, not kubler-ross again!)
me: "this can't be true! they're still going to save him! this is just a dream. this is not happening for real.."
the next scene after they were at his apartment, the team was discussing it, and they used verbs like 'died'.
me: "oh fuck, he really died."
but there was still a string of hope in me that this isn't true. until the last scene - his funeral.
and there i realized
"he is dead."
and i was crying, crying and crying non-stop. like losing someone for real. plus, the playing song - just makes you cry even more. i guess i'm really, very attached to this show.

i am not angered by this very bold step the production did. i have always known that in every episode, every season, they do insane and unexpected things. and this is why i love this show. it never fails to make you speechless. with the script, the twists, the medicine, the characters. and exiting using suicide is a part of that desription, though that suicide itself is really pathetic. i just hope that the writers would reveal in the next episodes why he committed suicide. this show is really excellent. in one (eccentric) way or another, it amazes you and makes you want for more.

just like a vicodin. we are House. somewhat. aren't we?

i'm so gonna miss you Kutner.

(this week just has too much shocking news..)