ox-y doxy

uh, we're down down down to the last few hours of 2008.

this will probably be the last post of 2008. except if fangirling over johnny's countdown overpowers. and i shall be able to make an end-of-year flailing-massacre post. yey.

2008 was a good year for me.

i graduated and got my degree. i passed my NLE, attach RN (ryo nishikido) to my name and i was able to find a hospital to have training. i was also able to visit my bro in singapore. and bum around for nearly five months.

it was also a lucky year for ryo, i believe.

2 dramas. 1 special with uchi.
winning 2 best supporting actor awards
and being well-loved taisuke in RnK.
both NEWS and eito were successful as well.

what's for this coming year?
i won't quit fangirling any sooner.
i hope to find a job and earn.
i wish my computer won't be such a retard.
i am looking forward for happiness.

**on a sad note, my grandmother passsed away yesterday. this is a sad way of starting a new year. she has stayed as the strongest grandmother althroughout her days.

eternal rest grant her soul oh Lord


kittens? why kittens?

i love you too baby :)

(in reply for dec 27th j-web entry)


winter wonder land

season's greetings everyone!

it's Christmas!!


i love the Christmas season, unfortunately, this year i wasn't able to feel deeply into it.

but anyway, what counts is giving love, sharing love and Jesus birth.

have a blessed and joyful Christmas everyone!!


farewell friday night habit

hah. i was right after all. he was the murderer. i was doubting it was togami as i believed that there will come a twist by the end of this series. i was right.

i barely understood a thing in watching the raws but it made me pour down some tears. particularly the talk between koichi and kashihabara-san.

it can't sink in to me that this series has ended. that i have to erase from my cellphone reminders the ryuusei no kizuna @ 8:45 pm reminder.

i well-loved this dorama. how it was created. everyone's acting. the script. the story itself. and it was automatic to me that at saturday morning i'll visit d-a and download the raws immediately.

i am going to miss this friday-saturday habit.

and i can't help listening to this track again and again.

often times, i have goosebumps.


expired at 2350


i didn't know why i felt not much surge of emotions at 10.50, when his relatives came asking for us to see their grandfather.

i wasn't panicking nor down blue and sad. there was just adrenalin and sense of urgency as to what i was asked to run for errand.

that's how i felt..

for the first time i was seeing a man lose his life.

from loss of bp, loss of pulse, ecg flatline, cold cold body.

i heard him moan, and that was his last.

an old man lost his life 6 days before christmas at 11:50 pm.

but other than that i saw real emotions of a family grieving for a loved one they will no longer be able to talk to.

and after doing post mortem, then i realized, how sudden things had gone. just two hours before 10:50 we were just instructing him for ngt insertion and he was responding. then after just 200 minutes he was lifeless.

life, you will never really know when it will expire.

Eternal rest grant unto his soul oh Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace, Amen.


friends CHANGE.

usually, they change into everything they said they WOULDN'T BE.

you just have to accept it, and realize everyone changes in their lifetime.

the CHALLENGE is to stay friends and prove to everyone that friendships can last through ANYTHING.

whirlwind wobble

wow. i have a growing love for ryusei no kizuna. episode 8 was magnificent! though i didn't understand a whole lot, i somehow managed to get the gist of the episode. i wanted to watch more of it but at the same time i don't want it to end.

i still love every scene where they show the siblings very warm relationship. but since shi knows of the truth now, there are some very little random points of awkwardness in between them. i don't think though that taisuke is developing a more-than-a-younger-sister love for shi. but this is japan. we can never predict the taboo they'll get into next, so i won't conclude. (but i admit though that i will be a fan of ryo-erika pair.)

and yay! for the delusional chief, takayama's return. i love his character. and that last scene was a chair-hugging scene. suspense! suspense!

i pity shizuna for she's so torn. i don't think any choice she'll make would make her completely happy.

how i wish there'd be more episodes. but unfortunately, there will most likely be 2 episode left. darn. i hope i can understand japanese better and i can't wait for next week's episode.

and i miss ryo.


tell me tomorrow

well hello there blogging!

i have gotten used to my hospital schedules. unfortunately, my 'it's the christmas season' feeling diminished because of preoccupation to this training.

i have missed two weeks of internet life because it was the monitor that gave up. which means that i missed ryuusei episode 6 & 7 live streaming.

it's been a month since ryo's birthday and i have not created anything. darn.

i am so tired as well.

21 days before christmas! yay!