half-liter of tears

if there is 1 liter of tears, SMILE would best be dubbed as half-liter of tears.

i came all the way from night shift and i wanted to finish the last episode i have not watched and i made the best move of watching it before sleeping.
i was crying effortlessly. most especially in the vito-hana conversation.

the whole drama was very burdensome for the heart, in a manner that it can make the viewer sympathize with Vito and feel really really sad on how unfortunate things in his life went. i know it's a fictional drama, but you can't help but think that since they did make a script out of it, that there's a probability it is happening somewhere in the world.
it also served as an eye-opener of how discrimination rolls in Japan. probably it affected me a lot since i am a Filipino.

anyway, i will probably manage to write a something with more sense, after i accumulate sleep.
so for now, i'm off to bed since it's already 10 am.
