i am epi-ed

well hello there blogging!

first, i owe someone a greeting:

to the osaka guy i adore for years now, i know i am uber late but,

お誕生日おめでとう, 錦戸亮

my wishes for you are: healthy life. gain weight. prosperous work. (and a love, like hina).
i am sorry that i have not done anything to celebrate your birthday.
i will always remain your fan though.

second, YAY DAY OFF!!!!
oh God, graveyard shift just consumes my whole day. when i am not in work, i am sleeping at home. just sleeping. glad that i have about 3 hours allotted for doramas and net.

third, i am less-inspired again. awww.

fourth, i just realized how there used to be a lot of people dropping by our house back then. what has happened now? seems like everybody found new houses for hang out.

fifth, they busted my birthday plans. DAMN. i am totally annoyed at the fact that my birthday plans are sabotaged because of their desires. i was supposed to have a day off on my birthday but they planned a swimming party, that if you will not attend, you must go to work, even if it's your day off. HOW CRUEL IS THAT?!!

sixth, in one and a half month of hospital work, five breathings has passed by my hands. 5 heartbeats not recovered by epinephrine. i hope there won't be more. crying loved ones are not worth the experience you want to have.


half-liter of tears

if there is 1 liter of tears, SMILE would best be dubbed as half-liter of tears.

i came all the way from night shift and i wanted to finish the last episode i have not watched and i made the best move of watching it before sleeping.
i was crying effortlessly. most especially in the vito-hana conversation.

the whole drama was very burdensome for the heart, in a manner that it can make the viewer sympathize with Vito and feel really really sad on how unfortunate things in his life went. i know it's a fictional drama, but you can't help but think that since they did make a script out of it, that there's a probability it is happening somewhere in the world.
it also served as an eye-opener of how discrimination rolls in Japan. probably it affected me a lot since i am a Filipino.

anyway, i will probably manage to write a something with more sense, after i accumulate sleep.
so for now, i'm off to bed since it's already 10 am.



This is the best part of the emo-filled CODE video.

aw ryo, you should smile more. ♥♥♥