the sky is gelatin and the cloud is red

i am pimping my new lj.


it's because i've had enough of TOO MUCH jap. i needed something personal. plus, my friends page is already speaking japanese. uh, too much japan. but i am really bad at disclosing, so it will probably remain empty. AGAIN.

gelatinsky still exists and i still check it regularly. though i've lost thousand miles of interest over JE fandom, i still linger. LOL. i float..

i cannot see anything reasonable with bella swan. damn. i award her as my most hated fictional character from a book. sorry, no offense, but gawd, i spent a full twenty minutes cussing and cursing her. which i realized, was not worth the time. BUT, really, the character just made me feel extreme anger. why is she like that?
oh anyway, i'll try to spare her even a infinitesimal atom because i still have breaking dawn to finish.
and i am so glad my anger didn't reach my dreams last night. dang.