producer omae mou de..

whoopsie daisy!! i feel great that i came across this realization!!

no further intro.




THE SENSEI FROM 1 litre of tears..

with the infamous haruto confrontation: "omae mou de..." ["and you as well..." (ok, that was just my OWN translation..)]


okay.. that was over random. wtf.

thanks to the Phil tv showing of 1LoT, i stumbled upon this nice trivia. LOLLLLL

the quiz show to exploit your insanity

i've finally found my "most what-the-f*ck-jdorama award " receiver.
it DEFINITELY goes to The Quiz Show.

i cannot even express how amazingly good and amazingly wtf it is.
i mean, NO WORDS. seriously.
it will never let your interest slip at any point.
seeing it is believing. and i mean that.

there is a twist of course, but it's not even the main dish.
and the main dish will still be overpowered by dessert.
and i am not making sense, i know. because it is better to be seen than be spoiled.

woah and wow.

come on, watch it...

but of course, be prepared...
because japan uses sunflowers to promote a (hidden) darker outlook in life.

(i swear, japan should really learn to appreciate the beauty in the world and refrain from twisting human morals.)

the sky is gelatin and the cloud is red

i am pimping my new lj.


it's because i've had enough of TOO MUCH jap. i needed something personal. plus, my friends page is already speaking japanese. uh, too much japan. but i am really bad at disclosing, so it will probably remain empty. AGAIN.

gelatinsky still exists and i still check it regularly. though i've lost thousand miles of interest over JE fandom, i still linger. LOL. i float..

i cannot see anything reasonable with bella swan. damn. i award her as my most hated fictional character from a book. sorry, no offense, but gawd, i spent a full twenty minutes cussing and cursing her. which i realized, was not worth the time. BUT, really, the character just made me feel extreme anger. why is she like that?
oh anyway, i'll try to spare her even a infinitesimal atom because i still have breaking dawn to finish.
and i am so glad my anger didn't reach my dreams last night. dang.


please japan, appreciate the colorful flowers all around the world..

errr... House season ender is mmm.. sort of a torn thing. of course i'm happy about cameron and chase but equally down at what happened to House. this ender is not as good as previous seasons though.. but i still think september is too long for a wait until season 6. aw.

and for the big news..

yay for new ryo drama!!

and yay for takizawa! haha.. he's alive! (well i've actually seen him in last week's SC, but i still feel like i haven't seen him much in jdoramas)

i can smell fanfics coming my friends page. TaRyo or RyoTa, doesn't sound good at all. ew. and what's good is that it will be airing in july. which is only about a month and a half to go. unlike those previous dramas where i needed to wait for soooo long.

the drama theme is dark again. what is happening to japan? they really love making people look at the world all torn, gloomy and tormented. i am just hoping that since ryo is casted as the 'good one', they'll stick to this till the end. and not make him turn into sousuke halfway through. but if he has his 'deadly hands' (literally), i doubt he'll be all goody-goody guy.

and for the record.. what is wrong with johnny? (or mary?) (or whoever?) no more bubblegum, guy-next-door roles for his boys huh? ryo as sousuke the dv, ohno as evil lawyer naruse , yoko as psychotic producer honma and now here's takizawa all greedy and with killing probabilities.. haha

the jimusho is probably affected by global crisis (and japan's promotion of psychotic world damnation)... LOL

julio & tenoch one more time

it's just that i love these guys:

i am happy about this interview that i read from our local paper:

Gael Garcia Bernal on his Pinoy co-stars.


where have i been?

i have no idea.

my internet connection has magically transformed from slow to suuuuuper slow. that is why i've cut some download of jdoramas and i'm currently watching nothing. i didn't want to download on weekly basis and wait till subbing teams release their subs, so i've decided to download dramas after the season is over. BUT IN REALITY, it's simply because for some unknown retarded reason the slow connection is one big bullcrap, that i don't want to mess my days with. damnit.

i've started a few of the season's dramas though. like Smile, The Quiz Show and God Hand Teru.
Smile, ofcourse, is must-watch for me, because it deals with discrimination of Filipinos (Vito was even half, what more for those full-blooded filipinos out there?) I will establish my reactions and reserve it later.

i've only watched the first episode of The Quiz Show and Yoko is exuding psychotic hotness, i would say. i would definitely finish this show. but watching it made me curious of season one. so i've watched until episode 8 of it. if i only had the resources (and nothing of a shitty slowwwwww connection) i would've finished season one in one-sitting. it is effing awesome. twisted, psychological dramas would really get my full attention. except that i have not finished the series and i so want to finish it badly. soon. the MC in season 1 was a great actor, i hope sho wouldn't fail on this part. this is what i fear for the season two, there's an awesome season 1 that people might compare with.

God hand teru, on the other hand has Mikio doing surgical operations half-naked.
actually, i would like to correct my self... not only half-naked...

this show leaves me ambivalent as whether to laugh or be amazed. i mean, palm marks in the chest, 'heart attacks' prior to 'owning' the 'god hands' and unbuttoning of polo to feel the 'god hand', yeah... weird and funny it is. though, clumsy teru is effortless to commit a funny mistake. nice.

and also, asami is just too pretty that i cannot give up on this series. she is so beautiful, that when she is focused i cannot help but utter: "damn, she's gorgeous.."