i am epi-ed

well hello there blogging!

first, i owe someone a greeting:

to the osaka guy i adore for years now, i know i am uber late but,

お誕生日おめでとう, 錦戸亮

my wishes for you are: healthy life. gain weight. prosperous work. (and a love, like hina).
i am sorry that i have not done anything to celebrate your birthday.
i will always remain your fan though.

second, YAY DAY OFF!!!!
oh God, graveyard shift just consumes my whole day. when i am not in work, i am sleeping at home. just sleeping. glad that i have about 3 hours allotted for doramas and net.

third, i am less-inspired again. awww.

fourth, i just realized how there used to be a lot of people dropping by our house back then. what has happened now? seems like everybody found new houses for hang out.

fifth, they busted my birthday plans. DAMN. i am totally annoyed at the fact that my birthday plans are sabotaged because of their desires. i was supposed to have a day off on my birthday but they planned a swimming party, that if you will not attend, you must go to work, even if it's your day off. HOW CRUEL IS THAT?!!

sixth, in one and a half month of hospital work, five breathings has passed by my hands. 5 heartbeats not recovered by epinephrine. i hope there won't be more. crying loved ones are not worth the experience you want to have.


half-liter of tears

if there is 1 liter of tears, SMILE would best be dubbed as half-liter of tears.

i came all the way from night shift and i wanted to finish the last episode i have not watched and i made the best move of watching it before sleeping.
i was crying effortlessly. most especially in the vito-hana conversation.

the whole drama was very burdensome for the heart, in a manner that it can make the viewer sympathize with Vito and feel really really sad on how unfortunate things in his life went. i know it's a fictional drama, but you can't help but think that since they did make a script out of it, that there's a probability it is happening somewhere in the world.
it also served as an eye-opener of how discrimination rolls in Japan. probably it affected me a lot since i am a Filipino.

anyway, i will probably manage to write a something with more sense, after i accumulate sleep.
so for now, i'm off to bed since it's already 10 am.



This is the best part of the emo-filled CODE video.

aw ryo, you should smile more. ♥♥♥

me is resurrecting


this blog is rotting.

well now i'm resurrecting.

. i'm one busy body. hospital duties again. yep, after 8 months of bumming around, i'm doing hospital duties again, though still no pay involved. i have graveyard shift for one whole month and another this coming november. both feeling accomplished and learning each day. happy to serve.

. officially, i can tell that i have very minimal interest about JE, japan fandom and ryo. sad but true. i still check my lj though and skim through recent posts and news.

. i watched Orthros no Inu, but it didn't really grab hold of my interest. i still did finish it. ryo looks gorgeous. AND THIN. and i glee with ryo and asami scenes. haha


. i felt so happy with the latest pap shots of Hina and Erika Toda! YAY!!! i like them. so cute together..

. i have been addicted to Doctor Who!!! OMG DAVID TENNANT!!! haha. i am no sci-fi fan, but Doctor Who made me wander off a new road. what i love most about this series is the story of each episode. plus, david tennant is ONE GREAT ACTOR! i should've discovered it earlier. release the geek in me!

i can't wait for the last specials of the tenth doctor. darn, david tennant is so good, i wouldn't want him to regenerate into the eleventh docotr. but anyway, i hope i can still stick with watching this series.

i like this, but second only to leather jackets

a body like this should recover soon,
or fans will go amok missing a day of his jweb.

you should do this more yamapi.
this pic was sooo long ago, but this is my coping mechanism.
no, i won't go amok.

oops yamapi, you missed a page from your "The Great Jweb Collection",
so get well soon.

picture snagged from lj users: oomontyoo & pornvilai

flu attacks je

ryo is down with flu!
and so is yamapi..

that is shit.
so shit.

yay for ryopi!
boo for influenza..

ryo desperately needs rest, so this is probably a blessing in disguise. oh ryo..

*prays for their recovery*

so want this!

i want this ambulance for my country!

OMG so for the win!

this is rather weird because i didn't post anything about Orthros no Inu aside from this ambulance. LOL

clapping and knives...

what's with me and my fondness over highschool boys and violence in jmovies?

no idea.

i'd call this film the sidekick uprising. (but it's actually, Aoi Haru)

rooftops. epic. and will forever be.

... while hanging in rooftop sidebars.

and whoever missed holding on the railings leaves the gang...
and the earth.

love calls: nose pinching. (awesome)

i definitely love this shot.

after clapping hands with death, they plant flowers. sweet ne?

and ask about life plans ahead...
and dreams..

and legendary questions...
a bleeding door. only in japan.

eita and his young obsessions..

an obligatory takashi tsukamoto picture.

she was waiting for just one boy.

one wave..

and 8 more...

oh. boys.

yes, obligation as well. just because i love him. takaoka sousuke.

very casual.

another sousuke takaoka. because i cannot resist.

me too.

flowers are meant to bloom not to dry up.

i can never put down my respect for japan's choice of movie themes.
because highschool boys and highschool turfs and gangs can never be categorized in the 'basic' level.
you say toilet cubicle vandalizing? japan says entire building walls graffitti.
you say smoking in male's toilet? japan says murder.
you see, when you're just thinking about it and they are raising it another level.

but what i like most about this boys+ highschool-themed movies is the minimal verbal communication.
aside from giving you a chance to digest things, it allows you to ponder. because there's always something in between those lines.

boys-highschool- movie. never fails to amuse me.
because despite the violence, they show little appreciative hearts.
behind silence there are sakura leaves.


raining yellow

i am one with my nation in grieving for a great loss.
i have always looked at her as a strong mother.
and she will always be remembered as such, not only by me,
but by the whole country, and the future generation.


no please, i will stick with jabwara

please, i refuse to submit myself to the catchy tunes that is kpop.

i will settle for kdramas and kmovies, but i do not want to be entangled in kpop business (ok, except girls generation. probably)

i admit i am not as attracted to the glittery and sparkly japan fandom world, as i was a year ago, but i'm trying hard to keep a dose of jdorama now and then.
and i am trying hard (and praying) that i won't switch gear towards kpop. especially now that there are korean songs in our local music channel countdown. absurd. (yes, hello wondergirls and 2ne1.)

i suck being a ryo fangirl because i am not as interested as before. and i still do not want to fly away from this fandom. yes.


i watched the first episode of orthros no inu and my problem was that i only understood 2% of the conversations for the whole episode. so i do not know how i should react.

i'll try to point some memorable things.
  • a raining scene with ryo's crotch in focus. WTF. it lands in first because it's too damn memorable.
  • why did i see L of deathnote in takizawa?
  • asami is soooo purty.
  • ryo's walk doesn't change. LOL
I didn't undestand the whole episode so my reactions are definitely shitty.

i shouldn't have written this.

Hän on komea


the hair. yummy.

undoubtedly annoyed


definition of gorgeous.

i don't know what i am busy about that i do not blog in here. i guess i can be called 'somewhat busy' now. which is nice.