japanophobic, am i?

warning: this would be one hell of a post.
let me start with the day of ryo's birthday. so joligs celebrated our dear ryo-tan's tanjoubi with mucho love.

there's a cake in there. but ryo definitely tastes better than the cake and must therefore be prioritized to rule over the chocolate roll. the game is 'look for the cake'. it's there, i swear.

yerrow barroons for yerrow renji

banner with love made by reggie-chan

our humble chibog, with the pasta sponsored by angge.

we had a post-halloween/cosplay/ryo's birthday party that day. since we're bimbo, we settled with something that our purses can offer.

(forgive our amateur attemps to cosplay, but we tried our hardest.)

reg as makino tsukushi; me as hagu of honey & clover; chary as yamapi; angelica as haruhi; bans as misa amane


short story:
one day, because a university professor did not understand that friday is hell day for students/commuters going home at peak hours, four students had to travel from the uni until our homes for THREE HOURS. three gruesome hours. i had slept for already three times and when i woke up, the bus has not traveled one-fourth of the whole uni-home route. it was hell. and we're dead hungry. so one of the ppg had a sandwich, which filled up the stomachs of the four students. and that was the best one-fourth sandwich i tasted all my life.

when i arrived home from that looooong three-hour trip, all i wanted to do was eat. eat. eat. food. everthingaround me turned into food. so i ate. yum. when i was contemplating in my room about that excruciating home-bound trip, carps came in and handed me an expensive TREATMENT for that hell trip phobia.

sweet. real sweet thing. and with that the story ends.. but the listening didn't. ahahaha

allow me talk about my latest addiction:

brain exercises for the love of challenge.

