nagbabadyang coup de etat won't stop me

dearest Jesus,

i tried my best to be nice. i think i did. i tried my best to do my schoolworks. okay, probably not my very best, but i did all i can to pass all on time. so Jesus, am i asking too much if i place my pouch on the line for eito's photobook and tour dvd?

oh my, is this insanity, Jesus?

well, i don't know.

please, whether You categorize this as insanity or not, may You spare me some sign about this dilemma?


japanophobic, am i?

warning: this would be one hell of a post.
let me start with the day of ryo's birthday. so joligs celebrated our dear ryo-tan's tanjoubi with mucho love.

there's a cake in there. but ryo definitely tastes better than the cake and must therefore be prioritized to rule over the chocolate roll. the game is 'look for the cake'. it's there, i swear.

yerrow barroons for yerrow renji

banner with love made by reggie-chan

our humble chibog, with the pasta sponsored by angge.

we had a post-halloween/cosplay/ryo's birthday party that day. since we're bimbo, we settled with something that our purses can offer.

(forgive our amateur attemps to cosplay, but we tried our hardest.)

reg as makino tsukushi; me as hagu of honey & clover; chary as yamapi; angelica as haruhi; bans as misa amane


short story:
one day, because a university professor did not understand that friday is hell day for students/commuters going home at peak hours, four students had to travel from the uni until our homes for THREE HOURS. three gruesome hours. i had slept for already three times and when i woke up, the bus has not traveled one-fourth of the whole uni-home route. it was hell. and we're dead hungry. so one of the ppg had a sandwich, which filled up the stomachs of the four students. and that was the best one-fourth sandwich i tasted all my life.

when i arrived home from that looooong three-hour trip, all i wanted to do was eat. eat. eat. food. everthingaround me turned into food. so i ate. yum. when i was contemplating in my room about that excruciating home-bound trip, carps came in and handed me an expensive TREATMENT for that hell trip phobia.

sweet. real sweet thing. and with that the story ends.. but the listening didn't. ahahaha

allow me talk about my latest addiction:

brain exercises for the love of challenge.



come on, aren't we supposed to make baklas?

i was contemplating in my jeepney ride to the hospital, when this was uttered by my mind:

"i think i'm withdrawing from my fandom soon.."

then, as soon as i entered the hospital premise, the song playing in the guard's radio was:

"love will lead you back.."

i haven't even made my move yet.
it was just some random thought.

carps, tulog. raj, tulog.

happy birthday ryo-kun. daisuki. *chu*

**wala lang. gusto kong bumati ulit e.

atelectasis secondary to fangirling

tasukete kudasai.


sobra, kailangan ko na ng seryosong tulong.

1. yamapi, why are your pants sooooo low that your DOLCE AND GABBANA thingy is flashing (like neon green lights. merry christmas..)??

2. eito, why are we extending natsu-themed photoshoots? why? WHY?? nante? nante? nante?

3. and, mister nishikido ryo, uh. uhhhhmmmmm.. eee ..Eh? (*who am i? where am i? what's happening?)

4. SONO EGAO BOKU NI MISETE. why ryopi? why this song? why this tune? why this lyrics? why?

i swear people. i'll be dying from multi-organ failure if we continue this..


i'll never withdraw my love to thee, 亮-chan

it is NOVEMBER 3 in japan..


YY tanjoubi omedetou ryo-chan YY

you would probably not know how much i adore you.
nor would this greeting reach you.. but i love thee with all my heart.
i swear.

you're my ichiban.

forever will be my ichiban..

even in his chibi days he still looks kawaii

(there are fucking 5 folders for ryo pictures in my hard drive and i don't know which ones to chose)

to this creature who occupies a HUMUNGOUS space in my cerebrum, myocardium and hard drive (awww)

once again...



i am going to be a waffle too, someday..

so while i'm waiting for the 23 hours remaining before ryo's birthday (yeah, crazy.. sure..) i'll blog about the past happenings.

* i've finished season 1 of heroes. and season ender is a big "EH?". it was interesting by the first episodes but kind of slacked down in the mid episodes. i started regaining my interest with the episode when the setting was the future. then at the season ender.. uhm. well anyway, if the next season is over i would still take time watching that season 2.

**i've finished reading love, stargirl. and I AM DEFINITELY FOR LEO-STARGIRL. still for leo-stargirl. i missed leo actually. and i was teary-eyed (for the record, teary-eyed is still a big thing for me, since i am not a fan of crying at books.) with his

favorite days would include:
March 23
October 11
November 18
December 20
December 24
and ofcourse, the Winter Solstice


How to Be Comfortable with Uncertainty?

You're cheating yourself out of today. Today is calling you, trying to get your attention, but you're stuck on tomorrow, and today trickles away like water down a drain. You wake up next morning and the today that you wasted is already gone forever.

Let the stars keep track of us. Let us ride our own orbits and trust that they will meet. May our reunion be not a finding but a sweet collison of destinies!

Tears don't bounce. Light does.

::from Love, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli::


*** and for hana kimi, i am not done yet. still more episodes to come. but just one big (bold) comment:

nov (i am not noberene)

november is in.

i'm famous again. because my name will be written in the blank for date today.

+, ryo is turning an age older.

and what are my plans?

a big I DUNNO.