hey, i missed a day on greeting subaru...

o-tanjoubi omedetou shibutani subaru!!
wait, i have no subaru pic. so i'm posting a k8 pic instead..

well, not k8, but a subaru, tachon & ryo (ryo still in it. crap.) pic.
subaru is the one wearing a kimono. uhmm.. okay, he's wearing something with blue, yeahhh..
haha. fine. subaru, not exposing his ever-so-eccentric hair, has his hair tied-up in this pic.
ohh.. i love those kimono-wearing guys..

yesterday, we escaped our seminar and instead spent some time being kids again..
fairview witches
powerpuff girls (fairview version) minus blossom
i wish someone would give me this wig as a gift in time for halloween
(we didn't actually buy that thing. we just said we'll see how it fits, took a picture, then we left. hahaha)

monsterized corimba
this makes me so excited for halloween. i haven't started conceptualizing on my costume. (yes, CONCEPTUALIZING. because halloween is a BIG event for me.)
but, i'll definitely be stealing some time. DEFINITELY.