so want this!

i want this ambulance for my country!

OMG so for the win!

this is rather weird because i didn't post anything about Orthros no Inu aside from this ambulance. LOL

clapping and knives...

what's with me and my fondness over highschool boys and violence in jmovies?

no idea.

i'd call this film the sidekick uprising. (but it's actually, Aoi Haru)

rooftops. epic. and will forever be.

... while hanging in rooftop sidebars.

and whoever missed holding on the railings leaves the gang...
and the earth.

love calls: nose pinching. (awesome)

i definitely love this shot.

after clapping hands with death, they plant flowers. sweet ne?

and ask about life plans ahead...
and dreams..

and legendary questions...
a bleeding door. only in japan.

eita and his young obsessions..

an obligatory takashi tsukamoto picture.

she was waiting for just one boy.

one wave..

and 8 more...

oh. boys.

yes, obligation as well. just because i love him. takaoka sousuke.

very casual.

another sousuke takaoka. because i cannot resist.

me too.

flowers are meant to bloom not to dry up.

i can never put down my respect for japan's choice of movie themes.
because highschool boys and highschool turfs and gangs can never be categorized in the 'basic' level.
you say toilet cubicle vandalizing? japan says entire building walls graffitti.
you say smoking in male's toilet? japan says murder.
you see, when you're just thinking about it and they are raising it another level.

but what i like most about this boys+ highschool-themed movies is the minimal verbal communication.
aside from giving you a chance to digest things, it allows you to ponder. because there's always something in between those lines.

boys-highschool- movie. never fails to amuse me.
because despite the violence, they show little appreciative hearts.
behind silence there are sakura leaves.


raining yellow

i am one with my nation in grieving for a great loss.
i have always looked at her as a strong mother.
and she will always be remembered as such, not only by me,
but by the whole country, and the future generation.