wearing raincoats on our way home

i was answered with a blue shirt.
i'm fine with that.
i just needed a clarification, or somewhat more of a wake up call.

it's a no. and i am thankful for the answer.

so for now, i'm heading somewhere.. i need to reach that 'there', and it would involve sacrifices. so.. i'll see you some time, some time..

ja mata.
文部科学省 - 私を混同する. しかしって

on towards goals

if there's one person i look up to the most at this exact moment it would only be

our dearly loved dean.

"There's one moment in your lifetime that will make your life turn 360 degrees."
- Dean Annabelle R. Borromeo

dean, your mere presence uplifts students.
i am certain, all of us has a special chamber in our hearts for you.


we had our commencement exercises yesterday.

college is done.

i am now a degree holder.

finally, i finished schooling.

though there are still more to expect and more to come.

but still, i'm so so soooo happy.

Congratulations to every graduate and every parent behind them!!

Aim high FEU BSN batch 2008!!

sunny tomorrow

tomorrow is our day.

and i am giving back all the glory to the Lord and to my parents.

about 16 years of studying and tomorrow i'll walk my way through ending school education..

but still, life's education never ends.

congratulations to all Batch 2008 graduates!!!