three kings gifts to me

i found the reason why i didn't want to move out of the city last wednesday..

uchi's return.

so while i was stuck in an unanticipated cold-weathered place wearing my only sweater, everybody else was feasting over the news of uchi's lead in a dorama and ryo as guest star. crap. real crap.

as soon as i opened my flist in lj, it was flooded about UCHI!!!!!!!!


uchi is back...

ryo acting again...

wooooohoooooo... i love 2008!!!

but before i went out of the city, i watched the most suicidal special of eito.. DAIDAYA!!

wow. who would risk morale and be willing to kill to be that girl that ryo dated????

*i'm raising my hand.. both hands.. now my feet are raised as well. okay, i'm packing up and going to japan... ja mata..

we will be annihilated. tasukete..

"The sound of her breathing when she's asleep. I think I'd like to listen to that forever."

-錦戸 亮

he has his ways to pulverize your myocardium.

shinkansen na lang sana o

i don't want to go. i want to stay in front of the pc. live in fron tof the pc.
breathe ryo...

sangkyuu johnny.

crap. i wasn't able to wait.. i wasn't able to wait.. i wasn't able to wait..

i have not finished downloading the countdown, so i streamed it.

**my ryo-chan.. my ryo-chan.. oh ryo-chan.. i really love thee..
i pitied ryo-chan though. he was jumping from News to K8, K8 to NewS. that's the downside of being the only johnny to be in two groups.. he had to change costumes most of the time..
but i love how he can handle it.. and i love ryo, no doubt.

**the seishun amigo was the best combo. woah.


that's completely comepletely OTP. real OTP.

**k8 are camwhores. haha.

**jun matsumoto and ryo-chan are having their arms around each other's shoulders. OMG.

**TOMAAAAAAAAAA!!!! i love toma.. i'm happy toma is there.. he danced in daite.. and he said ikemen paradise.. toma is so dear to me!!

**nagase sang lonely toothbrush. awww.. i miss mukodono..

**tackey looks hot (as always). and i like tsubasa's hairtyle better than his previous one.

**everyone in arashi looks good. but i have to give sho a special citation. i love arashi!!!

someday, someday, i'm gonna count down in new year's eve with these guys.. these hot guys. onegaishimasu kami-sama. onegaiiiiii..

rat. rattle. rather rattling. what the..

Happy New Year Everyone!!

I hope everyone will have a prosperous year ahead.

fireworks display are awesome.. it was fun looking at the sky.. i was shouting and jumping at midnight.

we we're able to finally accomplish our research implementation. we went to a five-day cocoa-giving marathon. tired and unhealthy (because i wasn't able to fangirl seriously for those five days) , still we were able to run through it. we met nice people, and tried to be patient with others; but generally, we are thankful to everyone who participated. thank you Lord, we're moving ahead from that cruel implementation part. so...

it's 2008...

right now i'm dl-ing the Johnny's countdown, and i'm extremely excited. it's ryo's year as well, so i think he'll be joining other "rat JEs" in one production.. i'm sooooo excited to see!!

finally, i was able to fulfill one long time wish i had.. as sponsored by my mother, i finally have my external hard drive.. yay!! doramas here i come!! i have no more excuse for being lazy in downloading things..

i am going to have my last 3 months of being a student, so please help me Kami-sama. i hope i can start opening my books and reviewing for my major exams.

let's altogether look forward for a good and healthy 2008!!
